She wants to buy a house for her mother, with only eight years and selling homemade cookies after school, and why not?

Unconditional love and entrepreneurial spirit They join in the story of Jalen Bailey, an eight-year-old boy who has set up his first business to buy a house for his mother, where he can live together happily. Don't you think it's adorable?

She wants to buy a house for her mother, with only eight years and selling homemade cookies after school, and why not?

There are children who dream of flying and others of being youtbers, Jalen's dream is to buy a house for her mother.

For that he has gotten to work and has become an entrepreneur as he says now. Jalen has opened a homemade cookie business on July 1.

This kid is 8 years old and makes fantastic cookies #jalensbakery

- Kenz.Y BrooKe (@kenzey_b) September 10, 2016

It is not that he had a lot of money in his account or in his piggy bank, but he wants, will and ability to work, it is clear that Jalen has plenty. He himself prepares chocolate cookies, banana bread and peanut butter cookies, but not only that, you can take a walk through his website or through his Facebook page, to see everything Jalen prepares and sells from his home in Fresno , California, where he lives with his mother. A page has even been opened so that whoever wants to can invest in your business on a specific platform for it.

“My mom is the best mother on the planet”

Sharonda mahan She is Jalen's proud mother and according to the child, she has been her inspiration to start this small business that is walking slowly but for the moment it seems firm. She has also had different businesses since she was 18 and even studied business-related subjects at the university.

He has always tried to instill in his son the entrepreneurial and entrepreneurial spirit, he has even read stories of other children who had also set up small businesses like him and have watched videos about it together.

Of course, at first Jalen's motivation overwhelmed her a little, a new house for them two is sometimes too big for an adult so for a child alone even more.

At first it was difficult but seen as Jalen has insisted, who dares to deny the possibility that this child will achieve his dream?

Video: LUNCHABLES vs REAL FOOD (July 2024).