The Club of the misunderstood is the film that adapts the novel Good morning, Princess! from Blue Jeans

The club of the misunderstood is the film based on the successful youth novel Good morning princess! written by Francisco de Paula better known as Blue jeans and that sweeps the Book Fair for some years among teenage readers. The movie is produced by Bamboo Productions Y Atresmedia Cinema and is the first feature directed by Carlos Venues, producer of television series.

The movie stars young actors such as Charlotte Vega, Ivana Baquero, Àlex Maruny, Michelle Calvó, Andrea Trepat, Jorge Clemente, Iria del Río, Álvaro Díaz, Paula Muñoz and Patrick Criado as well as other actors with more professional careers such as Aitana Sánchez-Gijón, Raúl Arévalo or Yon González . He script It is from Ramón Campos, Gema R. Neira, Cristóbal Garrido and Adolfo Valor. The history of The Club of the Misunderstood presents Valeria (Charlotte Vega), a young woman who has just moved to Madrid after her parents separated. In her new institute, Valeria is forced to attend meetings with the counselor to which other classmates also attend. What at first would seem like a bad start for the new existence of Valeria, ends up becoming the start of an incredible life experience With new friends, new city, first love and intense experiences that will forever change the lives of this new group of friends. In the trailer below what catches my attention is how all teenagers appear in several images opening arms and looking up. It is as if they were waiting for something to happen in their life. So parents will have to pay full attention to try to understand what happens.

The movie The club of the misunderstood It opens on December 25 and is an adaptation of the youth literary phenomenon published by Editorial Planeta, which also produces the film and we remember that it has sold more than 200,000 copies.

Video: Guests : Tony An, EXID, San E, Han Hyunmin, Jung SeunghwanHello CounselorENG,THA (July 2024).