They have already adapted your children to school? the question of the week

As every Wednesday we launch from Babies and more the question of the week to our readers, inviting them to give us their opinion.

Undoubtedly, the month of September is marked by the return to school, a trance that is usually complex for both children and parents. Starting the routine after the holidays is not easy, especially for children who go to the nursery or the school for the first time.

Therefore, a few days before the start of classes, we ask you:

They have already adapted your children to school?

Are your children happy to school? How are they going back to school? And you? Some advice you can give to other parents will also be welcome. I am advancing one: patience and do not press them, each child has its own rhythm.

Last week’s response

Last week we asked you if you think the right to homeschooling should be recognized, that is, the right to educate children at home.

The most voted response has been that of witchcraft, who commented

That right must be recognized without delay, encompassing the families that have been doing it for years as well as those embarking on this great adventure today or tomorrow.

Educating at home is an arduous task, and ungrateful if you add the little external support, the little coverage of international companies that regulate the process for not talking about the lack of clarity of any of them, and without knowing if in the end the children they will obtain a title regulated by the government of their country.

We remind you that this week's question is now available and should be answered in the Answers section. We invite you to give us your opinion so that other readers can value it and we will pick it up for next week.

Video: I Had The Trashiest Childhood Ever And Now I Have $4,000,000,000 (July 2024).