Homemade marzipan. Christmas recipe to make with children

I love this homemade marzipan recipe because it is very entertaining to do with the children, who will have a great time giving the pieces the funniest way and developing their creativity. Another thing will be the result, which will not be very professional, but that's the least when it is Christmas, don't you think?

In any case, with a more or less professional appearance, yes we will have a few figurines of delicious homemade marzipan, knowing perfectly the ingredients that it carries and being sure that it is fresh and freshly made. You will see how you have a great time with this Christmas recipe to make with children.

Ingredients to make 25-30 figurines

  • 200 grams of raw peeled almonds, 200 grams of white sugar, 1 egg

How to make homemade marzipan with children

The first thing we have to do is prepare the marzipan dough with which we will make our figurines. To do this, we put the sugar in a robot and grind it until obtaining glass sugar. It is not worth buying the one they sell as icing sugar because it has other additives that do not work the same for this marzipan dough, so we crush the sugar for a little while and that's it.

Then, we crush the peeled raw almonds. The best thing is that you buy the best quality, the marcon almonds, because you can tell a lot about the difference compared to the poor ones. The result will be appreciated later. We separate the egg white from the yolk and store them in different bowls. Mix the sugar with the ground almonds and the white and We work until we get a dough, which will be something brittle.

We wrap it in kitchen film and let it stand 24 hours in the fridge. The next day, we took out the ball and worked it a little to give it heat. This will change your appearance, becoming more manageable, almost like plasticine remaining as in the last photo of the collage. That's where the children who must help us with their imagination to create marzipan figurines come into action.

The typical snails, fish, dogs and ducklings, or the numbers like the eight my nieces did are the most fun for them. We can also make other figures such as stars, puzzle pieces or whatever comes to mind, even using pasta cutters or cookies.

Once the figurines are formed, we put them on a baking paper or an oven silicone and varnish them with the egg yolk, putting them in the central area of ​​the oven with heat above 190º and allowing them to be done for a few minutes, until the egg begins to toast. Remember to let them cool before eating them.

Processing time | 30 minutes plus a 24-hour rest Difficulty | Very easy


He homemade marzipan, is one of the most typical Christmas recipes and being able to do it at home is a pleasure and something very fun to do with the children. You can organize competitions to see who does it better, who manages to make a pig, a rabbit or any other figure. Surely they are much better than us but of course, just as rich, you'll see.

Video: Fruits Marzipan Recipe. फरटस मरजपन रसप. How to make Marzipan. Christmas Special (July 2024).