Anti-crisis breeding

One of the measures that can help families most economically when a baby arrives is breastfeeding, collecting and adopting a type of body and natural upbringing. It is not that this should be the main reason to decide to breastfeed or to take our son in his arms or sleep with him, but no doubt anti-crisis breeding It also has advantages for face the arrival of a baby in these times.

Families invest approximately a quarter of their income in their children, but we would have to analyze in depth what we spend and if we want to keep quality saving, consider other less commercial but equally healthy options.


Breast milk is free. Artificial milk costs between 12 and 20 euros a boat, which, per year, can reach approximately 600 euros, or more, if we include bottles, teats, sterilizers and heaters.

We don't need anything to breastfeed, although in some cases it will be useful to use breastfeeding discs or have an extractor. But milk is free, it is produced in the right amount at the precise moment that the baby asks for it and there is no need to worry about sterilizing it, heating it or transporting it.

If we want to invest in something it would be in a book like those of pediatrician Carlos Gonzalez, although, normally, if we have internet we can find a lot of information in the specialized pages or go to a support group before the child is born to learn what we do not know ( which is usually a lot).

Counting that studies indicate that breastfed children become less ill than those who receive artificial milk and that being breastfed even influences their health in the medium and long term, breastfeeding is a decision that will provide them with better defenses and save us visits to the doctor, Purchases in the pharmacy and problems at work.


Buy a cot It is quite expensive, especially if we want a latest and new model. If we decide to collect the cradle we will have plenty, it occupies a lot of space and is not indispensable, as we show the parents that we have never used it.

The last case we can borrow one or buy it in a second-hand store, but, in principle, applying safe school rules we will be able to enjoy the rest accompanied by our children and benefit from its advantages, in addition to saving us a good amount in crib , mattress, sheets, mobiles to distract the child and protectors.


Baby strollers they have become an element that seems almost indispensable and in choosing and buying it parents spend a lot of money and energy. For the newborn and the baby it is not an object that they need, surely with a good baby carrier You will be able to be very comfortable, accompany us everywhere and sleep, even while doing housework or walking.

If it would be essential to buy a chair for the car and a baby carrier, but the cost will be much smaller than if we choose one of those complex and expensive multi-purpose carts with all the matching accessories.

Hygiene and food

About Diapers, the families that use the washables usually indicate that, in the long run, the saving is considerable although the initial investment is greater, and others, even, choose not to use diapers of any kind except at night, learning the method of communication of elimination.

If we spend an average of 50 euros per month on disposable diapers, the account will soon add up in our favor if we have invested in washables.

In addition, we can save a lot of money if we opt for a natural diet and to use the least possible cosmetic products. Making the baby's food instead of sharing baby food, industrial cereal preparations and artificial milk is a great saving without the child's nutrition being resented, but quite the opposite, since nothing is more nutritious than natural and poorly processed foods .

Cooked rice, tapioca and corn grits are great ways to give children the first cereals and, when we incorporate gluten, we can combine them with wheat semolina soups, homemade cookies and bread.

Raising anti-crisis: the natural is cheaper and healthy

Although, as I said, money is not the reason for more weight to decide to breastfeed, collect and use a baby carrier, they are certainly options that will allow us to save considerably when a baby comes home and maybe, better cope with the crisis or allocate that money to take a work leave or to live more peacefully.

Video: Maximum Breeding! 1000+ Geckos, Machine Empire full playthrough! MAX AI & 5xCrisis Strength! (July 2024).