An experiment reveals the reaction of subway passengers to a mother who breastfeeds in public

Breastfeeding in public raises opinions and reactions of all kinds. There are still many people who are shocked to see a mother feeding her baby, as we see in this fun gif. Unfortunately, there are still many mothers who are frowned upon and even incredulous for breastfeeding their babies in public spaces.

The people of Trollstation have made a social experiment to know the reaction of London subway passengers to a mother who breastfeeds in public to your baby.

The video is in English without subtitles, so I give you a brief summary. There is a mother sitting in the subway who is supposedly breastfeeding her baby when a man comes up, sees her and asks her to stop doing it or go to another car, who feels uncomfortable witnessing the scene.

A discussion begins between the man and the mother in which a couple is sitting in front of them and witnessing the scene. At one point, the couple's man sits next to the mother and the man, defending her and in an attitude of protection, becoming a hero.

Although it was a sociological experiment, you put yourself in the mother's skin and it is really violent to live a scene of this kind, which surely many women must have passed. Give explanations and try to make the person who is increasing you understand that what you are doing is something completely normal and natural, it is not a dish of good taste for anyone. Have you ever had a similar situation in real life?

Video: A breastfeeding woman is confronted on a train but 'hero' comes to her rescue (July 2024).