Sleep apnea during pregnancy is related to diabetes and hypertension

The Sleep apnea, whose main characteristic is the brief interruptions of breathing that are suffered during sleep, when you suffer during pregnancy, the risk of developing gestational diabetes and hypertension increases.

This data is derived from a study carried out during 2003 in four million deliveries and has been published in the American Thoracic Society digital magazine.

Sleep apnea can get worse during pregnancy, especially in the third trimester, when more weight has been acquired. They suggest that a considered weight of women with sleep apnea doubles the incidence of diabetes and quadruples the risk of hypertension (which can also lead to induced labor). Pregnant women suffering from this disorder are treated with CPAP (a mask that helps to breathe), since the risks of lack of oxygen in these periods of time can also affect the fetus, although they do not know the long-term effects.

In the absence of new research and treatments, what is necessary is that apnea be treated properly, as well as possible gestational diabetes or hypertension that develops. All for a pregnancy as healthy as possible and a happy outcome.

Video: Pregnancy Causing Restless Sleep (May 2024).