Family and work reconciliation does not exist even when your child is admitted to a hospital

Working women, according to the workers' statute, have three days to take care of their children if they have to be admitted to a hospital. Elena Fernández decided that if it is something that affects a great majority of women throughout our lives and that of our children, collecting signatures to make this problem visible and the need for its solution could be the first step to achieve it and that It is what you are doing through, collecting signatures to change an unfair circumstance for children and their mothers and / or fathers.

Because what we all have clear, health professionals and mothers and fathers is that the rights of children cannot be left at the door of the hospital, now we only need the laws to assist us all, regardless of our age and that this should also be addressed the so brought and brought labor conciliation that again does not exist when your child is admitted to a hospital.

For a little over three weeks, Elena has launched a signature collection addressed to the acting employment minister Fátima Báñez, so that working mothers have the right to remain with their children while they are admitted.

Because sometimes the injustices do not affect us directly but they pass us so close that they hurt us, so much that they practically force us to make decisions, they push us to act "do something". That is what happened to Elena when her co-worker could not stop crying because she had to leave her eleven-month-old baby admitted to the hospital while she had to return to her post.

With her we have talked directly about this initiative and how it is happening.

Elena, to start if you think tell us first how do you need to create this request

Seeing the indignation, helplessness and lack of humanity of the business world in which we live, which boasts a family reconciliation that does not exist. We all know that we have two or three days, depending on the agreement of the company to be able to take care of our direct relatives in the case of hospitalization. An adult person can assume perfectly (although it is very hard) to spend a few days admitted to a hospital, but a minor and less a baby is the most inhuman and unnatural thing I've seen in my life ...

In fact, not a few are the mothers who, in this situation, have to use their vacation days, ask for a leave if the family's economic situation allows it or in the worst case, pretend a disease that could lead to medical leave to be exempt from I work as long as possible. Yes, it is clear that this option is not the most correct and fraud is incurred by the worker but sometimes the circumstances completely overcome us and there is no way to explain to a one-year-old child that mom and dad cannot stay With him in the hospital.

Elena, does your request focus exclusively on mothers?

No, this issue affects both mothers and fathers. Currently, luckily or unfortunately (depending on the case) we have many different family models. What happened to me at the time of writing the petition was that I felt so indignant and why not say it, hallucinated that something like this could happen, that I did not notice it at that time, and once the petition was launched it can no longer be done No modification on the published text.

And how do you think it could be put into practice?

The truth is that the first time I do something like that and the steps to follow are still unknown, but to implement this request we would have to change the laws, be more humanitarian, tolerant of ourselves and our neighbor, you should never think That is not going to happen to me.

In case anyone could have any doubt, what benefits do you think are produced in the baby and in the mother / family if you can accompany him while he is hospitalized?

Well, I believe that multiple benefits and all for both parties. When my oldest daughter was born, she was hospitalized for a few days and the fact that I had to go home to sleep and she staying there generated a terrible anxiety. You just have to see the reaction of our children when they feel ill or have a fever, come to us to receive all the love in the world and comfort with a caress or a kiss, I think that with this last sentence everything is said, don't you think Pilar ?

Completely agree with you Elena!

Of course, and of course, the signatures in his petition do not stop coming up every day, in case you have not signed and you feel like it, here you have the link to Elena's request.

Video: How To Support Your Kids When Life is Tough - Dr. Kevin Leman Part 1 (July 2024).