Five are few: ten servings of fruit and vegetables a day to live longer

They are the healthiest foods, of those to which you should not put schedules, ideal for snacks and at any meal throughout the day. They help us to have an adequate supply of vitamins, minerals, fiber ... and also to prevent chronic diseases such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes or obesity. But Five servings of fruits and vegetables a day are no longer enough: ten are better.

This follows from a recent study by the University College of London, which concludes that increasing the intake of such foods up to ten portions significantly reduces the risk of premature death. The researchers analyzed data from ninety-five studies on fruit and vegetable consumption, as well as the eating habits of 65,000 people in England between 2001 and 2013.

We were told by our colleagues from Directo on the palate, noting that vegetables are four times healthier than fruits: each serving of vegetables decreases the risk of death by 16%, while each piece of fruit reduces the risk of death by 4%.

Ten servings of fruits and vegetables a day equals 800 grams of these ingredients, for an adult. Evidently, the portions for children are smaller, but it is increasingly clear that these foods must be included in all meals, one way or another and raise the figure of five of the previous recommendation.

This high consumption of vegetables is associated with a 24% risk reduction of heart disease, a 33% risk reduction of stroke, a 28% risk reduction of cardiovascular disease, a 13% lower risk of cancer and a 31% lower risk in premature deaths.

More fruit and vegetables for children

We leave you a lot of tips for children to eat more fruits and vegetables and also the elderly! In addition, not only physical health will be reinforced, but also psychological. The benefit of eating more vegetables a day is for everyone.

  • Seven ways for children to eat more fruit and vegetables

  • How to do home marketing for children to eat vegetables

  • Five servings of fruit and vegetables a day, it is possible!

  • Practical advice for children to eat more vegetables

  • More ideas for children to eat vegetables

  • Some tips to incorporate more vegetables into the children's diet

  • Do you want your child to eat more vegetables? Let it help in the kitchen

  • Add fruits and vegetables to the kids' diet

  • Vegetables to accompany the snack of the kids

  • 13 snacks for healthy and nutritious children

  • Guide to enjoy homemade juices. Starting the day with energy

  • How to get children to eat fruit: five keys