Cooking with children: recipe for cheesecake and lemon

After two long weeks of moving at home, I can finally say that we are already installed in our new home. After many days without doing any productive activity with my son, today I have decided to resume our moments together in the kitchen to prepare this Lemon Cheesecake Recipe. A classic that has many versions.

I have realized that children, at least my two-year-old son, are very sensitive to the change of house, first because of the change in leaving your old home, with its energies, neighbors ... and secondly because it is very difficult Give him the attention he needs or you usually give him normally and spend time with your child in a relaxed and quality way.

I've realized that it's really not the same spend time with your child that dedicate time to your child. I spend most of the hours of the day with him and those hours I am almost 100% for him, mostly because I still breastfeed and when I try to sit in front of the computer to work from home, I have it every 10 minutes claiming my attention and asking for a tit, even if he is distracted by his toys, he needs to interrupt me to feel that I am still aware of him, a completely natural thing in children, so one day I decided not to even try to look at the mail when I am with him.

And as part of my job is cooking with children, it is my little trick to work and spend fun time together. And today, we have re-covered the wooden spoon and apron and we have prepared this fantastic recipe for lemon cheesecake adapted from a cookbook for children when I was a child.

my son and I cooking together

I have adapted the recipe a little by replacing sugar with agave syrup, a natural sweetener much healthier than sugar and, for me, much better as well.

Lemon Cheesecake Recipe


  • 175 g Cinnamon Cookies (I have used Neapolitans from Cuétara, I love them)
  • 250 g butter
  • 250 g of cream cheese (Philadelphia type, you can put a light if you want)
  • 1/2 can of evaporated milk Ideal
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 tablespoon of icing sugar or 1 tablespoon of agave syrup (I recommend it)

How to make the lemon cheescake

  1. We grease a 20 cm mold with butter.
  2. We break the cookies by putting them in a plastic bag and crushing them with the help of a wooden roller.
  3. We undo the butter in a saucepan over very low heat. Add the chopped cookies and stir well.
  4. We put the dough in the mold by pressing well with a spoon, spatula or hands if you prefer (children sure prefer hands, I assure you). We store in the fridge or freezer.
  5. Grate the lemon skin with the finest grater we have and extract the juice.
  6. We put the cream cheese in a bowl and stir well with a wooden spoon to soften it. Add the evaporated milk little by little and continue beating until we get a smooth and creamy texture.
  7. Add the lemon juice and zest together with the sugar (or agave syrup).
  8. We spread the cream cheese on the base of cookies with the help of a spatula or a flat knife.
  9. Cover the cheescake with aluminum foil and put it in the fridge to cool for at least three hours.
  10. Once it has hardened, we can decorate it with chocolate chips or lemon zest.