Obesity causes 50% more chance of asthma

In Babies and more we have repeatedly talked about the problems that are associated with childhood obesity, now a new American study reveals that Obesity causes 50% more chances for asthma to develop.

To reach this conclusion, the researchers analyzed the data obtained from 333,000 patients who were controlled in seven different studies. Last year, we gave the news of the confirmation of the relationship between diabetes and obesity, we also showed the relationship with cardiovascular diseases and various other problems, now we can also say that obesity predisposes to suffer from asthma.

The study shows that, for every person with normal weight who has asthma, there are 1.5 asthmatic people who are overweight, hence 50% more likely to have it if there is obesity. Although it has been clearly shown that asthma and obesity are closely related, researchers have not yet been able to determine what causes the risk. We imagine that future studies will shed light on this issue. Several studies prior to this already evidenced the possible relationship between both problems, the researchers warn that possibly the increasing number of cases of overweight and obesity is linked to an increase in asthma cases in a comparable way.

Reducing obesity is a basic task and especially to perform in children, also prevent it, it should be borne in mind that asthma has up to five times greater incidence in children than in adults, therefore, avoiding overweight will provide more benefits of which we have spoken so many times.

The study data have been published in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical care Medicine.

Video: Why We Fail to Change Our Behavior (July 2024).