The fear of parents hinders therapy against childhood asthma

A group of American researchers disclose conclusions that clearly show the apprehension of many parents with medications to treat asthma suffered by their children. According to the study conducted by experts, only half of the medicines prescribed to prevent childhood asthma are administered daily to children (as specified by treatment), which means that the other half do not follow the treatment in a way continued, something that does not help in the least to reduce the symptoms derived from this disease.

What is supposed to be that parents only remember their children's illness when they see their symptoms and provide them with treatment, but when they improve they seem to forget it. This is not an advisable behavior for a disease that requires constant monitoring and treatment. However, researchers from the University of Rochester (New York) blame this action on fear that parents have about the effects that medicines can have on their children and therefore prefer that asthma be overcome by avoiding the use of such medications.

Six million American children suffer from asthma and improve their situation should previously go through a wide and deep conversation with parents to become aware of this disease, the researchers indicate and they are surely right. Illustrating parents about the effects, benefits or harms that the medications used against childhood asthma exert could be a solution to reduce the incidence of this disease.

In the study carried out, the data of 622 parents with children suffering from asthma were taken, 17% feared the effects of medications, 6% were insecure and the remaining 77% believed it was necessary to comply with the medication.

Childhood asthma is a problem that with proper medication and consistency, can increase the child's quality of life, suffering much less the effects it causes.

Video: How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime. Nadine Burke Harris (July 2024).