The forgotten benefits of the culture of effort and willpower

Some call it the culture of effort others willpower, the fact is that it is something that Most adults are usually very fair, so it is very difficult to instill it in our children and that has an impact on their low tolerance for failure and frustration, although in this as in everything there will also be exceptions of course! But yes, in the end everything is more related than we sometimes stop to think.

It is evident that there are many the benefits what can we get developing our willpower and encouraging our children to do so too. It's not that complicated, it just requires a little effort.

Just as we train our muscles we can train our willpower and teach our children With our example, you just have to propose it and please, this, like almost everything we do, is also for your own good.

Yes, it is true that we know the theory by heart, the complicated thing is to put it into practice among other things because our brain tends to the easy and the easy thing is to settle comfortably in the daily routine, the complicated thing is to start new habits and for that we must strive.

Good intentions

We can train our willpower, we said it before, we could consider how to train one more muscle in our body. A muscle that we can strengthen with use but that we can also “overload” with excessive use or atrophy directly if we do not exercise it in the least.

According to the data, willpower reduces the execution rate of negative impulses from 70% to 17% according to a study conducted by the University of Chicago in 2001.

And on the other hand, what is called the deficit of will or self-regulation leads to tremendous suffering and even psychological disorders that make our lives more complicated, according to some researchers from deficits in attention to eating disorders and control of impulses, are associated by this deficit of will because basically, it is evident that the will allows us not to be slaves of our instincts, in every sense.

For example, we all know that the beginning of the year is when more people sign up for the gym, however it is also known that only 25% continue attending mid-month and only 5% of the total continue 6 months later. They are the ones who have really trained their willpower during all that time.

Teaching for our children

Many pedagogues complain that precisely the value of the effort is something that has little space in the education of our children with all the bad that this implies for their emotional development, for your happiness even.

We have a tendency to give "Whims" to the children to prevent them from crying, to give in to their requests, not to argue with our teenagers although we also really know that with this we are not really helping their education or their development but sometimes the circumstances overcome us, it is complicated to always act well , that's true.

We also live in the culture of immediacy and factors such as effort, discipline or sacrifice are undervalued or directly ridiculed, but are we aware of what this means in the growing brain of our children, in the way they manage their capacity for frustration?

Willpower is directly related to emotional intelligenceIn fact, for many scientists, those who have developed their willpower have invested as much time and effort in their education as in their own happiness. Do not you think it is a magnificent investment in the education and happiness of our children?

No, it is obvious that it is not easy, it is not simple and in this as in everything else, learning is done above all with the example we offer our children.

What can we rely on to succeed in this race? In motivation, especially autonomous, a motivation that is neither pressure nor control from the outside.

Do something because "We want to do it" by ourselves, the reasons or motives on which we base our effort will be of a vital influence on our willpower and on the other hand, we are aware that the failure of our own willpower is one of the central problems of the human being

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