"Body Painting" in the bellies of pregnant women

Body paint or body painting It is an artistic painting applied to the skin and is considered as one of the first artistic expressions of our ancestors.

Erica Norman is professionally dedicated to body painting and is recently dedicating herself to what she calls “pregnant art”, which is nothing more than paint the bellies of pregnant women leaving a small sample of ephemeral art in them.

The idea of ​​working with pregnant women came up when a friend who was waiting for a baby asked if she could paint her belly. From that moment "Demand has been growing."

The artist's interest in this new facet of her work is such that she has decided, for a while, to offer her services for free to future moms who want to go to his studio. Unfortunately we are a little far, because it resides in Chester, England.

The painting sessions last about two hours and the author describes them as “A nice massage”. Once the painting is finished, he performs a photo shoot and an album that he gives to the mother.

The drawings cover various motifs (flowers, hearts, butterflies, ...) and use water-based paints, approved by the Face Painting Association and therefore without the risk of producing unwanted effects on future mothers.

The jobs are short-lived, actually until the woman washes, but Norman feels satisfied in getting future moms to feel "Very special for a day."

I think it's a nice way to give pregnancy and Moms tummy an aura of beauty, mystery and magic, although two hours lying down to go to the first change may not be very stimulating for many moms.

Video: TWICE "Feel Special" MV (July 2024).