Woman with two wombs gives birth to twins

We have known all kinds of news about births of babies in unusual circumstances and now we return to know a curious story.

A woman from Michigan who was born with two wombs has given birth to twins, gestated one in each matrix independently.

To understand it better, let's see what this congenital malformation of the rare female reproductive system is, which occurs in about 5% of women.

The didelfo uterus or double uterus is a uterine abnormality characterized by having two uterine necks, two vaginas and two separate semi-uteri whose size is smaller than normal that function independently. It can be corrected by reconstructive surgery that unifies both uterus.

Malformations of the uterus are associated with repeated abortions, premature births, fetal death and poor position of the fetus at the time of delivery, however the didelfo uterus is the one that is most related to a viable pregnancy.

The fate of this American woman has been double, like her uterus, since she has been able to conceive and give birth to two healthy girls, each one independently managing in a womb.

As expected, the girls Kaylin Joy and Valerie Marie were born earlier than provided, with an advance of 7 weeks and weighed 1.7 and 1.33 kilos respectively.

In the future you can tell that they are very special twins. They have been conceived at the same time and have lived for 9 months in the same belly but in different “rooms”. In any case, they will surely be joined by a very special relationship like all the brothers who have been born and born at the same time.

Video: Mom with 2 uteruses gives birth to boys (April 2024).