Is eating in school educational?

I was horrified eat at school. I did not like the food and was an expert in avoiding surveillance and even taking out the hidden food in the baby's pockets and shoes. A nursery, but worse was the disgust that some preparations gave me. And I was not a child who ate badly, but eating what I touched, whether I liked it or not, and on top of having to finish it, was superior to my strength.

However, there are children who like it and their parents say they eat better in school than at home. The truth is that I do not understand, I think that perhaps the pressure, more or less hidden from the environment, will be responsible. Nor will it always be that they don't cook well at home.

Actually, what I think about this issue is if eating at school is educational and serves to learn to eat.

Most of us try to eat in a balanced way and at home it is very important that parents teach good habits and set an example. But it is rare for the elderly to eat something we do not like, disgusts us, or simply do not feel like it. Is it different in children?


I don't think it's appropriate to eat something we don't want to eat. If learning to eat well and to have a balanced diet, but you do not earn anything by eating certain foods that we hate or forcing us to swallow something that does not fit us.

In addition, let's be honest, in any dining room for adults, and I mean not only restaurants, but those in companies or cafes, there is a menu as limited as in schools. And it doesn't really mean higher expenses, because if that were the case, eating would be much more expensive at work.

I would like to ask you if it would be convenient to educate the children in the choice and in following their natural appetite, offering in schools a healthy menu but with variety, in which they could choose between two or three different dishes of first and second. Do you think that eating at school is educational?

Video: What are the School Health Guidelines to Promote Healthy Eating and Physical Activity? (July 2024).