Photo of sextuplets that caused a sensation on the internet

Today I want to share with you the beautiful image of the sextuplets McGhee with his parents, a photo that caused a sensation on the internet. Since her mother published it on Facebook, the family's life has taken a radical turn.

Many people have been moved to see the small Rozonno Jr., Isaac, Josías, Elías, Madison and Olivia, which has caused an avalanche of good wishes and help for the big family.

The story of the couple, Rozonno and Mia, from Columbus, Ohio, has not had a happy start. Both come from troubled families and very much wanted to have a family of their own, but after years of fertility treatments she became pregnant with twins and the babies died shortly before birth.

Then she got pregnant again. This time they were advised a "reduction" of embryos, but decided to move forward despite the economic difficulties they were going through. Finally the sextuplets were born in June, although they remained a few months more admitted.

The point is that since its publication on Facebook so that part of the family could meet the little ones, the photo has had an incredible impact on the United States media. The family has been in the press, on television programs, including Oprah's famous program, and have received a donation of $ 250,000 (approximately 182,000 euros) thanks to which they bought a house.

In short, many will question the popularity of the family and whether their exit to the media has been really selfless or not. What I keep is with this tender photo of sextuplets that caused a sensation on the internet and with the message that children come to change the lives of their parents in every way.

Video: This Woman Was Expecting Rare Triplets. But When Doctors Saw Her Placenta, They Feared The Worst (July 2024).