How to survive Christmas despite the crisis

The consumerism surrounding Christmas It is a more or less recent invention. It's hard, but we can get rid of him. Instead of going to the mall, why don't we take a walk on the street and look for the nativity scenes? How about making gifts at home? What if we opt for practical gifts?

There's a lot ways to survive Christmas despite the crisis, and here we give you a few ideas that, in addition, bring us closer to the true Christmas spirit.

Anti-crisis gifts

  • This year toys are cheaper than ever. The crisis has taken a toll on consumer habits and manufacturers know it. But there are still important price differences between distributors. Therefore should compare prices before embarking on the purchase of all the items we need in one place. We should do the same with the other gifts.

  • Let's take advantage of the offers. Supermarkets and stores offer different advantages to their customers, some for a limited time. It is convenient to be attentive to the "bargains".
  • In this sense, it is advisable not to wait at the last minute to buy the gifts, unless we do not look for anything special. We do not want to repeat the scenes of "Dad in trouble", where Arnold Schwarzenegger launched himself in the desperate search for the child's gift. The same can happen to us, and not only with the child's but with the gifts of the rest of the family. In addition, we run the risk that prices will rise due to high demand.
  • With the crisis, the textile sector is one of those who suffer less. Clothing is a necessary item, so it becomes a good solution for gifts, both for children and family members.
  • Asking what they need most and answering with the same thing will help, after the gifts, we don't have to spend more money to buy it. Clothes, school supplies, books ... are some items that kids need. That the "requests" to family members focus on articles that we will take advantage of, practical. This year (like the previous ones) clothes will be one of the favorite items at home: since we need it, let's take advantage of it as a gift at Christmas.
  • Yes, despite the crisis, there are avalanche of gifts for children (impractical gifts, which we will not use immediately), we can ration the toys received at Christmas. Gifts of those who do not remember, gifts that are not appropriate for their age ... may remain in the bedroom for later and other special occasions.

  • If you are believers, it is easy to resort to the Christian concepts of selfless love, charity, austerity ... (and if you are not believers, these values ​​still stand). The Magi can also come loaded with lots of love and simple gifts.
  • We can solve some family gift thanks to the crafts with our children: a photo frame, a decorated box, some figurine ... We leave you with more ideas in our section of Crafts with children.
  • The Congratulations personified with photos Children are also a good option for the family, although simple, a detail they will appreciate. Here you have some examples to elaborate easily at home.
  • And we continue with the practical gifts, with the Christmas baskets, which have almost gone down in history because they were a gift to the workers that companies cannot afford. But we can buy or make a special basket for our family or as a gift, which includes those typical Christmas products that we all like to savor.

Anticrisis leisure

  • Without detaching ourselves from the previous point, as leisure is also a gift, we remind you that if you have planned any family outing, to the fair, to the cinema, to a theme park, to a restaurant ... we can turn it into a gift. We can even make a "voucher" that the kids can redeem when you do the activity.
  • And speaking of restaurants, we can save some good euros if we look for original and cheap recipes to make at home, buying in advance the foods that rise the most in price. Frozen products are cheaper and have the same nutritional properties as fresh ones, a good option. We remind you of our recipes for children and the tips to eat well despite the crisis. Stay tuned to our pages because soon we will bring you delicious prescriptions for Christmas children.
  • We can also make special trips without scratching our pockets, nearby excursions, visits to the nativity scenes of the city, walks through the countryside, through the park ... A traditional (and free) way to spend time at these parties without falling into the clutches of shopping centers and the like.
  • In this sense, we can consult the agenda of activities in our town, because municipalities and associations usually prepare different children's events for these dates: workshops, storytelling, theater, music, cinema ...

Finally, remember to be honest with children. It's not about scaring them if there are economic problems at home, but it is important that they understand that money is not unlimited, it costs to earn it and you cannot spend big time. The Kings and Santa Claus also suffer the crisis. There are many children in the world and you have to distribute.

In short, we hope that these tips to survive Christmas despite the crisis they are useful to you and that the famous austerity that is so much stylized (what a remedy) in these times does not subtract an iota of illusion and joy to these dates.

Photos | Mike Licht, and carlosfpardo on Flickr-CC
In Babies and more | How to avoid avalanche of gifts at Christmas, Ephemeral toys, Donate toys that our children no longer use

Video: How to survive a Terrible Crisis- Part 2-Dr Phodidas Ndamyumugabe (July 2024).