Rental mother of 12 children

It is hard to think that the woman who carries the three babies she has just given birth soon will never see them again. The two girls and the boy will be handed over to a Greek couple who cannot have their own children.

You will only know about them thanks to an annual photograph and a letter that will tell you how they are growing.

Carole Horlock is 41 years old and is surrogate mother, or surrogate mother. In fact it is the most prolific in Britain, than with the triplets that have just been born add a total of 12 children say, "outsiders" (including a pair of twins), plus 2 children of their own.

Her uterus has served for ten years as an incubator for the fertilized ovules of couples who hire her to fulfill her desire to be parents.

The woman expresses that she doesn't feel any emotional bond with the children in the womb, that she doesn't feel them as her children. I do not explain it, but I imagine that if I feel it, it would be very difficult to part with a baby that has grown inside one. Obviously, he is very clear about his role.

Belly rental is a prohibited practice in some countries such as Spain, although its legalization has been requested, but it is allowed in others such as the United Kingdom and the United States where many couples go after the dream of becoming parents.

It is a controversial issue, but why not allow it when legally proceeding and the ends are noble? In short, it is an agreement between two parties that benefit. This surrogate mother, who receives her compensation, has made nine couples happy.

But everything does not end here. Despite his age and before closing the factory, he still has a future pregnancy planned for a British couple.

Video: NEW MORNING ROUTINE with 10 CHILDREN 22 (July 2024).