And Spain won the Euro 2012 and happy children

Again the Spanish soccer team, returns to Spain as a winner of a national tournament. This time from Europe, as in 2008, and winning the very pragmatic Italy that apparently made a mistake thinking that the party, after overwhelming Germany, was a piece of cake. And no, because in Spain the kids are not motivated, it is that they demonstrated what to do if they want to win a game: run, work, strive, be generous, precise and very brave to avoid being intimidated before the rival. Because in the field it is very important to be respected by the rival.

And the children of this Euro 2012 do not know who to stay with, it could be with Boxes, who is a goalkeeper out of series, although seen in yellow and so the striker always knows where he is even if he does not look straight ahead. Though Ramos or Piqué They also have their fan club. Who are you asking for? I to Bouquets, which always comes quickly to the court, does not leave or think or throw the opponent and also throws penalties at Panenka. And the kids continue, because Arbeloa it's a safe back and Jordi Alba It is the GP motorcycle that starts running and receiving a perfect pass from Xavi is able to plug the goal into the goal defended by Buffon.

Although they can also be Alonso and Busquets that although they are in dangerous land, the one in which the balls are lost, they are also the ones that recover them when the opponents fail. And if you want to be Iniesta you will have to work hard because it was the most valuable player in the European Championship, although I liked it and I would love to give your fast passes and the hole was Xavi Hernandez which also never loses a ball. And ahead I see Silva which is a brave canary capable of finishing off head among the centrals of Italy or towers, which has never lost a final and this year 2012 has won almost everything. Or to Peter that runs like a brave among the rival lines and is sharp like a dagger and leaves rivals at his feet thinking about where that kid passed. And if not, then ask them to Cesc, a player who went beyond the heel of the boot of Italy to center back and that his ball was finished off by Silva in a goal, at 15 minutes of the game, which made Spain think that the final was ours.

And the goals were beautiful, that of Silva after exciting career of Cesc, the accuracy of Xavi with an extraordinary pass to Jordi Alba, which left a groove in the grass of the speed he printed to his career. And the Torres force which marked again in a final and at a decisive moment. He was also generous with his teammate, in the national team and in Chelsea, Bush, who took advantage of his scarce five minutes of play to become immortal with the Spanish team marking in the orphan Italian goal.

At the end the players were the protagonists who went out to the countryside to celebrate the party with their children. Although one already knows that the best thing children can do is to have better fun the more space they have. And so the daughters of Pepe Reina dressed in the shirt with their father's number played with the confetti that was thrown across the field. Arbeloa also shared moments with his daughter and especially Fernando Torres, who taught everyone his daughter Nora's hairbrushes and the bravery of his son Leo delighted to jog through the countryside. And there was also time for other children, apparently Ramos was also with his niece and both took a photo with the cup.

Children will remember this cup for many years and they will imitate their idols until they are like them, although for that it takes a lot of work, a lot of effort, a lot of training and a lot of direction. In this case and after the victory virus was injected by Luis Aragonés four years ago, the kids have developed much more with a fantastic Del Bosque who directed his boys to glory and beyond.

Many children will try but only a few will succeed. We hope to see them succeed soon as they saw this great generation of players who speak with the ball, spoiling it, passing it and putting it in the goal, because in the end football is the goal. The same goal that many kids score every day in any of the hundreds of parks in Spain while waiting to become like their idols.

Video: Spain National Team. We're gonna celebrate (July 2024).