Change the diaper to the baby away from home, what to consider?

One thing is to change the baby at home, where we have all the comforts and above all, hygiene guarantee, than to do it in public places where most of the time the conditions are not the most favorable.

The diaper change is a task that parents will repeat hundreds of times during the baby's first years, and many of them will not be at home. We will talk about what should be taken into account when changing the diaper to the baby away from home to try to make the baby as comfortable as possible and avoid any risk of infection.

Hygiene advice

Public toilets are rarely ideal places to change the baby. Anyway, we still manage the changing table installed in the walls almost always in women's bathrooms, as if changing diapers was only a matter of moms.

Hopefully we can find a special baby toilet with changing table, breastfeeding chair, microwave, and even some with a towel and diaper vending machine.

Whether in a public toilet, in that of an airplane, train, car, or wherever we need to change the baby, it is essential that the basic conditions of hygiene are met, that is to say that the surface is clean to prevent the risk of infections .

If the hygiene conditions of the toilets are not ideal, it is preferable to change the baby in another place such as an allowance where we can place the changing table, in the baby's car, in the car, on a bench and even on the skirts. For this we must always carry a folding changing table and, eventually, a towel.

Comfort and safety for the baby

Just as hygiene is important, so is comfort and safety when changing the baby away from home.

You may feel unprotected in a place you do not know, and we must ensure that you are comfortable, as well as monitor you at all times, without neglecting, to prevent any accident. For this it is important to have everything we are going to need prepared before starting to undress you.

You must ensure that the head is protected by placing a towel or anything else that cushions if the surface is very rigid. The temperature must also be taken into account, since if it is too cold you should look for a warmer, repaired place and cover it with air currents.

What should we take to change the baby away from home

Inside the baby bag you can not miss the necessary elements to change where you touch, such as:

  • Diapers
  • Wet wipes
  • Protective cream for the ass
  • A padded and foldable changing table
  • Disposable protectors to place on the surface where the baby will be changed
  • A diaper bag
  • Hand sanitizer gel for mom and dad
  • A change of spare clothes

These are just some tips to keep in mind for change the baby away from home. Fundamentally, you must ensure that it is a clean space and make it moderately comfortable for the child.

Video: Done With Diapers (July 2024).