The latest fashion: a party to announce the sex of the baby

First was the baby shower, and now, also imported from the United States, the latest fashions are the parties to announce the sex of the baby.

The idea is that future parents gather family and friends to reveal if the baby they are waiting for is a boy or a girl. But the announcement is not simply to say it, but to do it in the most original way possible. For example, when cutting the cake, its interior color reveals the sex of the baby, depending on whether it is pink for girls or blue for boys.

There are more ideas for sex ad party. Guests can place their own bets through games, either on a list, or in a more creative way, by coloring the role of a chocolate bar, as you can see in the photo. At the end of the party, those who have guessed the sex of the baby take a souvenir.

The cake is the most widespread form, but there are also cupcakes, pancakes or anything else, edible or not, that reveals the sex of the baby with some surprise inside.

A balloon release Pink or blue is another original way that some couples use to announce the sex of their baby, or a surprise box that hides a stuffed pink or blue dress.

Although it is quite badly recorded, in the video below you can see the whole family pending the moment in which the secret is revealed.

It even seems that some couples prefer to find out about the sex of the baby at the time of the announcement party with their family and friends. In those cases they give the pastry the sealed envelope they have given them after the ultrasound containing the mystery.

Of course, there are parties that could not be held on the scheduled date because the baby was not seen on ultrasound or parties where they have announced a girl and it turns out that it was a boy or the other way around. But whatever it is, the parties to announce the sex of the baby have become the latest fashion.

If you like the idea and need inspiration, on this Pinterest board you can find some ideas for your sex ad party.

There are couples who are much simpler to spread the word. How did you announce the sex of the baby? What do you think of the idea of ​​the party?

Photos | Cake central and Repeat crafter me In Babies and more | How did you say you were pregnant?

Video: 10 Creative Gender Reveal Ideas 2019 (July 2024).