Japanese girls take pictures simulating super powers and imitating manga heroes

Apparently it is a very popular phenomenon among Japanese girls this take pictures in poses and styles that remind superheroes and to the idols of the manga. And it is that the language of the comic seems to have already moved to real life and taking advantage of the multimedia capabilities of the devices it is already possible to recreate scenes that remind series of Japanese manga like Dragon Ball.

It seems great and fun to me what these girls do and I do not rule out that any of them in the future have their own style and can create cinematic successes. To make a composition like that of the image, and those that can be seen in the lower link, it is called makankosappo and although the phenomenon has already a few months on the Internet sure that it is being renewed, updating and improving. And now that we have more free time, in the pool, on the beach and in camps, it is the time when children take the opportunity to develop their creativity in a group and they are encouraged to make images of this type because it can be a very fun entertainment.

It seems to me that making an image with this setting requires good planning, a good choice of composition, correct execution and greater dissemination to ensure that work has an impact on social networks.

In Spain it seems to me that we do not have so internalized neither the comics, nor the superheroes, nor the manga. And it is a shame because it is a language that offers enormous creative possibilities that, as we see, can go beyond paper and become images. In any children's workshop I believe that these imagination development processes can be incorporated, which also ensures good times and lots of fun.