"Children receive information about pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding that does not respond to reality." We interview Candy Tejera

Today we have Candelaria Tejera (Candy), who is a member of the El Parto is ours (EPEN) association, from where she coordinates the project "Discovering motherhood" that we will know in depth through this interview.

Candy has two children and tells us that in the world of childbirth, breastfeeding and parenting (his passions) he has discovered a place in which he can be useful to society, helping other women to enjoy motherhood. She also has a degree in Business Administration and Management.

What is “Discovering Motherhood” ?, as a very nice initiative that aims to contribute to the dissemination of the most rigorous and updated scientific information on the physiological processes of pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding. It is developed through workshops in schools, and its contents are adapted for each stage of the Educational System. I hope you like it, and if in your school your children have attended any of these workshops, you are delighted that they have been able to receive this information. If you did not know “Discovering Motherhood”, you are on time to request it from the children's teachers, and request more information from EPEN.

Peques and More. Why do you think it is important to bring childbirth and breastfeeding closer to school age?

Candelaria Tejera.- In the past most births took place at home and that made the children witness the birth of their own brothers. The greater contact with nature and animals in the rural environment also favored witnessing these processes in other mammals. Now life in the city and the transfer of birth to the hospital environment, it causes children to no longer see births, and therefore they need someone to tell them how the miracle of life happens.

Likewise, the widespread implantation of artificial breastfeeding as a way of feeding babies means that neither the children themselves nor their siblings have been breastfed by their mothers. Children do not suck or see others do it and when they manage to witness a shot, they watch with great attention and interest, they are surprised and amazed.

The information that children currently receive about the physiological processes of pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding is scarce and does not respond to reality

PyM.- Do you think that the knowledge transmitted in schools about human reproduction moves away from natural processes?

C.T.- The information that children currently receive about the physiological processes of pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding is scarce and does not respond to reality. It usually focuses on conception and something on pregnancy, but tiptoes through childbirth and breastfeeding. There is still insistence in many cases, in telling the little ones, that it is the stork who is responsible for bringing the babies home. It is a quick and easy way to solve the discomfort that some of the smallest questions pose. It is often thought that with 3, 4, or 5 years children are not "prepared" to understand certain things, when it is precisely the opposite, because at these ages they have an open mind to all kinds of knowledge and do not yet have preconceived ideas about How these events occur

As a curiosity I can tell you that some textbooks illustrate the fact that the human being is a mammal with photographs of babies that are being fed with a bottle instead of showing them hooked to their mothers' chest. These types of details are those that generate stereotypes and penetrate very deeply in the mentality of the little ones, influencing their conception of the world and their future choices.

PyM.- How did “Discover Motherhood” come about?

C.T.- Some members commented that they had seen a contest on television, in which children were asked about these issues. When most of the children answered, they displayed not only great ignorance but also harboring false and prejudiced ideas. His vision of pregnancy and childbirth has a strong pathological and even catastrophic burden. Birth instead of being a beautiful event full of emotion, it seems very dangerous, painful and even unpleasant.

For all this in El Parto is Our we saw that it was necessary to speak to children naturally about what is natural, using a POSITIVE approach, that is: explaining to children what pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding ARE. With the workshops we want to convey that these are natural processes that we should not be afraid of and that they can be lived with tranquility and in a very satisfactory way.

PyM.- For me it is remarkable that you are EPEN volunteers who develop this activity in cabbages, what signs of gratitude have you received?

C.T.- Only members can give workshops because it is the way we can guarantee that we give the right information. The parents are grateful especially when the children are going to have a little brother soon because the workshop makes it easier for them to explain what is happening to their mother and how the baby will come out of her tripita. We are also grateful to the mothers of children who, with 3, 4, 5 or more years, still breastfeed and who feel strange among their peers for being the only ones to do so, having shown in the workshop that breastfeeding is something natural and positive and that it is totally normal to breastfeed at those ages.

PyM.- Can you briefly present the methodology and materials you have?

can we talk about several stages or phases in the development of the workshops.

  • Presentation: This is a touchdown in which we say who we are and what we are going to talk about. To test the terrain we ask what they know about it. We adopt a receptive and expectant attitude.

  • We introduce the topics through the Videos: once the viewing is over, we ask them what they thought and invited them to ask everything that is not clear to them.

Through the different activities It is intended to fix the concepts, specify and reason all assumptions.

  • Conclusion: We ended up inviting you to reflect on what you thought you knew, what you have learned and the importance of knowing about these issues.
We try to provide a close and relaxed environment, so that the student can feel comfortable dealing with issues that may be unknown to them and even taboo in their environment

We plan very diverse activities with playful and original materials, both physical and audiovisual, that promote the curiosity and imagination of the little ones and lead the elders to reflection and debate by fostering their critical spirit.

We have a rag doll called Eugenia and that simulates a baby in the womb. Two stories: one in digital format and another that has been edited last year by the publisher Ob Stare called "Eugenia is born." A set of questions and answers Trivial type, etc.

It is prioritized that children have an active role through the game, creativity and research attitude, involving students in different activities to provide meaningful learning.

We promote teamwork through activities that involve collaboration between students either through small groups (couples) or large groups (5 people).

Us we rely on a communicative methodology, we pay special attention to the topics that raise the greatest interest among students, solving all the doubts raised by them.

There are children, including boys, who leave the workshop with a vocation as a midwife, and others who, being only children, begin to “claim” their parents to give them a little brother

PyM.- What acceptance are you having among children and also among teachers? Have you ever encountered any impediment when developing the project in a classroom? Any notable anecdote starring children?

C.T.- The workshops really like children but also teachers. Teachers who are already mothers comment that they have learned things they never came to know during their pregnancies and deliveries. Others who happened to be pregnant during the workshops appreciate the information in the face of their upcoming maternity care.

There are children, including boys, who leave the workshop with the vocation of Matrona, and others who are still only children begin to "claim" their parents to give them a little brother.

Very few centers have rejected the possibility of receiving the workshop. It depends on the philosophy of the center and its greater or lesser openness to consider these processes in a natural way and above all to see them from a perspective of freedom of choice by those who live it.

PyM.- And finally, if you think, we could do a review of the cities in which Discovery of Motherhood takes place, indicating to any reader that is interested, how to request this intervention for the school of their children, or classrooms where you teach.

We have given workshops throughout the Spanish geography: C. Madrid, C. Valenciana, Galicia, Balearic Islands, Castilla y León, etc. The workshops are not only given in educational centers, but also anywhere with children interested in receiving them, such as: cultural centers, toy libraries, libraries, etc. To request a workshop you must write to the email [email protected] saying exactly where you want it to be delivered.

So far the interview has made me very excited to meet Candy, and introduce you "Discovering motherhood." Some years ago I attended the gestation of this project from afar, when I was part of an Internet community focused on parenting with attachment. Nowadays I know that a good friend of mine (besides doula) has taught these workshops at her children's school, and is very satisfied with the experience.

I thank Candy for the interest in my interview proposal, and to EPEN that has enabled this activity, for me necessary, and thanks to which children can reconnect with these natural processes.

I hope you liked it as much as I did.

Images | Candelaria Tejera, EPEN More information | Discovering motherhood In Peques and More | "Eugenia is born": the story for children to become familiar with pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding, 'Le premier cri': a documentary of contrasts that excites by counting ten very different births, Breastfeeding is one of the most effective in ensuring the health and survival of children

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