
That tobacco is harmful to the fetus, the baby and children, is a fact confirmed a long time ago. In fact, we insist on the importance of quitting the tobacco habit before thinking about being a mother and not smoking in front of our children. Among the negative effects of smoking during pregnancy are demonstrated: low birth weight, intrauterine development delay, premature birth, infant mortality and long-term developmental problems.

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When we discover that we are waiting for a baby, one of the first things we should do will be to schedule an appointment with our gynecologist, to start monitoring and controlling our pregnancy, which is very important, as it will help us know if everything It is in order. In a normal pregnancy, the fertilized egg descends through the fallopian tubes to the uterus, where it is implanted to begin its development.

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One of the first things we do when we discover that we are pregnant is to calculate when our baby will be born, according to our last rule. The doctor or midwife will confirm the date on our first visit, although really only ten percent of women give birth on their probable date of delivery.

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One in ten births in the world takes place before the 37th week of gestation. According to the latest data, in Spain 28,000 babies are born prematurely, being one of the European countries with the highest preterm birth rate. There are certain risk factors that can trigger delivery early, and although it is not always in our hands to avoid it, there are certain measures we can take to prevent the risk of premature delivery.

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Cecile Eledge, a 61-year-old woman from Nebraska (United States), has become a mother and grandmother at the same time giving birth to little Uma, whom she gestured to help her son Matthew and her husband, Elliot, To fulfill his dream of being parents. The baby, who was born by natural birth and after a good pregnancy, is the result of an ovule donated by Elliot's sister, who was inseminated with Matthew's sperm.

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A study led by a team from the Institute of Global Health of Barcelona (ISGlobal), has concluded that the risk of developing symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) during childhood could depend on the mother's diet during pregnancy . The research 'Prenatal Ratio Omega 6-Omega 3 and symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder', published in The Journal of Pediatrics, analyzed plasma samples from umbilical cords to quantify the levels of Omega 6 and Omega 3 that reach the fetus.

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Those who have infertility problems know how difficult and painful it can be to see that negative result in pregnancy tests over and over again, after multiple attempts to conceive a baby, both naturally and with the help of science. A woman, who managed to overcome her infertility problems and is now a mother of five children, knows how painful it can be, so she decided to donate her uterus, to give another woman the opportunity to become a mother.

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All mothers gain a lot of weight during pregnancy, but there are consequences if they exceed the kilos, for the mother and the baby. And this statement is now even more accurate: a new and extensive study that has analyzed more than half a million births in New York City has concluded that women who gain more weight than recommended during pregnancy can be more likely to suffer serious complications during childbirth, even if they were thin before pregnancy.

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We have already talked about the boom of 'vaping' among teenagers, as a 'cool' fashion and a healthy alternative to traditional tobacco. But nothing is further from the truth: most electronic cigarettes contain nicotine and, therefore, are harmful. But young people are not the only ones who have signed up for this fashion of inhaling steam: electronic cigarettes are an option used by women smokers when they become pregnant and are not able to quit.

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With the hangover of the 8-M celebration, we bring you a very emotional and at the same time very real video about gender stereotypes that still persist in society and that we repeat without realizing it. It is a spot of Banco Santander in the framework of the Generation 81 initiative aimed at promoting equality, in which we see six couples of real parents in the first weeks of pregnancy.

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Pregnancy transforms us completely. Not only does our body undergo different changes over those nine months, but we also experience changes at a psychological, neuronal and emotional level. One of them is that protective instinct that starts from pregnancy. According to a recent study, that same protective instinct makes us need more space around us during the last trimester of pregnancy.

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From pregnancy, it is important to have a circle of support to accompany you, guide and advise you on your new path to motherhood. And without a doubt one of the key people who can not miss him, is your gynecologist. But what if he is not the ideal person to accompany you in your pregnancy? The solution may not sound simple, but it is certainly important: if you do not feel comfortable or supported by your gynecologist, look for another.

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When you find out that you expect a baby, one of the first reactions or ideas you can have is to tell your family immediately. And so, they begin a series of preparations, tips and talks about the new family member. And a question that will undoubtedly ask you, will be that of his name. In many cases, the name is the choice of the parents only, but in some families there is already a particular name that has been used for several generations and is sometimes expected to continue to be used.

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The 'baby shower' is a party celebrating the birth of a baby and usually held at the end of pregnancy. Traditionally only women who gave gifts to the future mother for the baby while having tea or eating were attending. Today it is for men and women (because dad also participates) and includes games inspired by motherhood.

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