A mother of five children donates her uterus so that another woman with infertility problems can become a mother

Those who have infertility problems know how difficult and painful it can be to see that negative result in pregnancy tests over and over again, after multiple attempts to conceive a baby, both naturally and with the help of science.

A woman, who managed to overcome her infertility problems and is now the mother of five children, knows how painful it can be, so decided to donate her uterus, to give another woman the opportunity to become a mother.

For many years, Aprill Lane and her husband were trying to conceive a baby without achieving a positive result. After a while, finally the couple was diagnosed with infertility problems, so they decided to adopt a baby, while continuing to keep up with treatments for Aprill to get pregnant.

In Babies and more, is it possible to be a mother after a uterus transplant?

Eventually, they managed to get pregnant with twins thanks to in vitro fertilization, and surprisingly, shortly after having had them, they had two other pregnancies, now naturally.

Now the couple had five children under seven, so after deciding that they would not have more and for all the struggle they had to become parents, Aprill made the decision to donate her uterus to another woman who had infertility problems, to give her a better chance of becoming a mother.

Aprill's uterus was donated to another woman anonymously, as part of a clinical trial conducted by the Baylor University medical center in Dallas, Texas and which we had previously talked about in Babies and more, when we reported the birth of the first baby from a transplanted uterus in the United States. From this study, two successful pregnancies have already resulted in the last two years.

In Babies and more For the first time a baby is born after a deceased woman's uterus transplant

In addition to give another woman the precious gift of increasing her chances of becoming a motherAprill created a foundation to provide financial support and guidance to couples who have infertility problems.

He uterus transplant It is something that has begun to be carried out successfully in recent years in various countries of the world, managing to give women who were born without a uterus or with fertility problems the opportunity to be mothers.

Video: Single Mom by Choice: An IVF Journey (May 2024).