Halloween is coming: a party that already has few tricks. But the deal is to celebrate it safely

Yes, there are few days left for that night that according to Celtic tradition it symbolized the transit between the old and the new year (relating both events to the crops); In addition it also served to open the doors that prevent the dead and living from relating. And it is precisely the latter that originated in his day the disguises related to death, darkness, and by extension - more or less successful - the monsters.

In the Celtic imaginary the "dead" looked for food that the living left prepared, today we all look for candy in other people's homes. It doesn't matter to me - although sometimes it bothers me - that you lose track of the tradition and the “why” of the celebrations, that's why I will continue to claim these aspects and transmit it in the most convenient way.

After last year we gave safety advice related to costumes, home celebration, and children who are already left alone armed with baskets and hidden behind masks, today I bring you some recommendations prepared by the National Association of Child Safety and Mari Ángeles Miranda.

They tell us what we should take into account with costumes, makeup and accessories; Y They advise us so that minors can safely carry out in different environments than usual. You can consult the set of prevention tips in the infographic that I provide, and the accounts @Logieduca and @Pekeseguro

To take into account the children who go out with their friends

If they are under 12 years old:

  • Iran always accompanied and under the supervision of at least one adult, depending on the group of children and age will be distributed several adults supervision and accompaniment (1 adult is recommended for every 5 or 6 children under 10 years old).

  • Must be take advantage of the exit to educate and instill norms of behavior and prevention, as we never tire of repeating: educate by example. The coordination of criteria between what we say and what we do must be consistent, let us think that in a few years our little ones will want to go out alone and act according to what we as adults have taught them. Your safety and our peace of mind in the future depends on the education we do in the present.

  • The little ones are not aware of whether a candy or candy in particular can be advisable or not, so adults will do the "Trick" before departure: agreeing that sweets are appropriate and the time to enjoy them.

For parents of children over 12:

It is the age at which they can already leave in a group without adult supervision, always with the condition that each of us knows their children and the level of preventive culture has developed

A trick ?, I gladly give it to you: it consists of sitting with the group before the expected Halloween night to encourage them and help them plan the departure, in an open and fun way, without recriminations or warnings that can influence obtaining the opposite effect to the desired one, the consensus is a great ally:

  • Streets they will pass through.

  • Approximate start and arrival time (it is important that at least one of the children carries a mobile phone to notify us of any setbacks)

  • Responsible behaviors on the urban road and with strangers.

  • The adult will accompany the small group in a rehearsal of the route drawn, taking the opportunity to congratulate those appropriate behaviors and advising (always positive messages) with reasonable arguments (educate by example) in each act of risk they comment.

  • It's not just about knowing and respecting road safety regulations, it's very important behavior before strangers and we are the adults who gain from experience, so we must take advantage of this “range” to use it in a positive way, with the OBJECTIVE of promoting autonomy with the help of prevention to the detriment of the culture of fear: scare only because it marks the party script!

And as children someday cease to be, we go with teenagers

After the tragedy lived in Spain, we believe that we should make a review in this regard and that is that even if they are "older" parents should be responsible for the mass parties to which our teenagers go, so we must:

  • Inform us and ensure that our children know and respect the safety and evacuation measures.

  • IMPORTANT that the premises in question comply is authorized and comply with all security guarantees.

As an example of security to detect that it is a party without “Trick” we are left with the initiative of a reference in the subject, Rafael Gálvez, who proposes that all parties should have:

  • Visible poster of the authorization of the competent public administration: town hall, authorization number, capacity, information facility, etc.
Sample Poster with Local Security Indication
  • The premises must incorporate QR Code with the prevention and safety measures in case of emergency.

This is all from my side, I hope that keep all these tips in mind, for the safety of your children, and because there is no fun without security. In addition it always costs little to adopt preventive measures, if we take into account that we are avoiding consequences that can go from unpleasant to tragic (and that of course it is better that they do not occur), do not you think?

We wish you a happy and safe Halloween.

Images | Liz West, Joe Mabel
More information | National Association of Child Safety, @Logieduca
In Peques and More | We have prepared an endearing and participatory Halloween

Video: Some Americans Go All Out Decorating Homes for Halloween (June 2024).