The first National Birth and Birth Plan: a great help to give birth

The Ministry of Health, Social Policies and Equality within the framework of the Normal Delivery Care Strategy promoted by the Women's Health Observatory has published the First National Birth and Birth Plan, a document that supposes a great help for women who are going to give birth.

In this way, the wishes, needs and expectations of the woman about the birth process and the birth of a child are written down. It can be downloaded, filled in at home, printed and presented at the time of hospital admission.

The emotional state of the woman is so special at that time when she is focused on the birth process itself, that it is essential to have a document that clearly expresses her preferences.

It is advisable to prepare the birth plan between weeks 28 and 32 of pregnancy so that in time to find out about the most appropriate practices and clarify with the doctor or midwife any questions that may arise.

The aim is that the whole process of childbirth be a satisfactory and full experience, encouraging at all times the active participation of women and their companion.

Among other things, you can express who you want to accompany and who does not, those personal circumstances that you would like to be taken into account at the time of delivery, if you want to use your own clothes or the hospital, choosing the delivery position you prefer , if you want some type of analgesia, as well as any other type of support material such as balls, mirrors, cushions or dilation bathtub.

It also informs and allows decisions about medical interventions such as the administration of oxytocin, monitoring or breakage of the bag, as well as the processes that are carried out at the time of the expulsion and the first minutes of life of the baby as immediate contact skin with skin, the cut of the cord and the early onset of breastfeeding.

The wishes of the parents regarding the care and first care of the newborn (vaccination, medication, hygiene) as well as the puerperium period are also taken into account, with the intention of ensuring the highest degree of intimacy.

No doubt the First National Birth and Birth Plan It is a breakthrough in childbirth care, which will help many women to giving birth be a pleasant experience and it will improve the dialogue between the professionals who attend the delivery and the future mother.

Video: Giving Birth for the First Time. One Born Every Minute (July 2024).