What application for children would you recommend? the question of the week

Today as every Wednesday we raise a question in the Answers section To get to know you a little more and tell us your experiences and opinions. Today we want to expand the range of entertainment and learning for our children in the form of a mobile application:

What application for children would you recommend?

We often talk on the blog of very diverse applications and for different ages But which ones do you like for your children? Do they match the favorites of the little ones? What type are these applications? We would love you to provide us with ideas.

And is that technology and especially the world of applications for mobile devices increasingly has more offer for children, so much that sometimes we get lost. Therefore, the advice of parents who already know some special and useful application you'll be welcome. Although, yes, we do not lose sight of the leisure taken off from the screens, since these are only for a little while.

Last week's question

Seven days ago Lola asked us about the time to give birth and if you would record your birth and we have obtained several answers.

Estruba tells us that he would record such a special and unique moment that happened in the hospital, attended by a wonderful team as he tells us:

Although I keep it in my memory, it would have been a graphic memory for posterity and, above all, for my daughter to see how precious her arrival in the world was.

For her part, Lita Nyan would record it if it were in her ideal place, at home:

If I were at home quietly, with my husband and my son, and my midwife ... In the hospital, no, there are too many people, too much light, (in some cases) too much arrogance ... and I would not want to remember that.

Other readers such as Gabriela or Anammmaria would also like to record the birth and in the case of Lilithinfernus, what she retains are many photos of that special moment.

On the other side, Inés93 tells us that, although he has no children yet, he believes that he would not dare to record the birth, he considers it an intimate act that does not need to be documented.

We appreciate all the answers and we encourage you to read them completely. Now, the new question of the week is now available and we await your comments in the corresponding section to collect them next week.