Is the baby's navel healing well?

One of the issues that concerns first-time parents is the cleanliness of the navel of the newborn. Is the baby's navel healing well? How to know if there is a problem?

Usually, if we perform a correct cleaning, the umbilical cord dries and heals, falling within a few weeks of birth. But lack of navel hygiene or incorrect healing can cause infections.

Omphalitis is the infection of the baby's navel, which can lead to complications, even in the most severe uncontrolled cases, the death of the baby. But the navel infection shows signs to which we must be attentive.

If residues, dirt, moisture accumulate ... in the navel scar (the umbilical cord painted and cut) an infection can occur and the first signs are edema or swelling, local redness in the area of ​​the cord, purulent secretion, fetidity ...

To these symptoms in advanced infection is added fever, malaise and rejection of food. Therefore, proper cord hygiene and early detection of a possible infection is very important.

Remember the basic rules for the healing of newborn cord. The usual recommendation is to cure it with 70 degree alcohol soaked in gauze. Depending on the hospital, alcohol is added antiseptic, chlorhexidine (iodinated povidone should not be used in babies and mercromine either because dyeing the cord makes it difficult to assess).

It is necessary to influence the base of the cord, in the baby's belly, two or three times a day and keep the navel dry as much as possible, especially after baths. Better keep the cord in the air, without gauze or sashes that oppress it, and fold the diaper so that it does not squeeze or bother you.

If you notice any of the above symptoms and you think your baby's navel is not healing well, go to the pediatrician to act as indicated, making the cure and assessing the administration of drugs. And once the cord falls, keep watching the area until it heals completely.

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In Babies and more | The umbilical cord in the newborn: everything there is to know, Omphalitis or infection of the navel of the newborn, Abnormalities in the navel of the newborn