Could you know who your mother is by the smell or by the touch of her skin?

Popular wisdom says that mother there is only one and I agree with it. In some cases, even at certain ages, it is appreciated to have only one. Jokes aside, it is clear that our parents, because this should include the male part of the duo, are and will always be unique to us.

In the announcement we see how several children, blindfolded, have to "find" their mother among a group of them. It is amazing how each of them knows how to recognize who is the most loved being among all. And you, Could you know who your mother is by the smell or by the touch of her skin?

I must admit that I have always liked the ads, I was struck by the way in which brands try to give an image or associate their product with a certain scene. I, since the announcement of Fa, no longer see the beaches in the same way. It is true that there are ads that do not deserve a second of our time, but others, like this one that I present to you, are able to reach us and evoke wonderful memories. I will be honest, I do not remember what is being announced, but I liked the message and even more on these dates when Mother's Day is approaching.

Because as the ad says, All mothers are unique and special to their children and I would add that also for your partners. What do you tell me Would you be able to recognize your mother in the crowd?

Video: Book Trailer: DON'T TOUCH by Rachel M. Wilson (July 2024).