A security guard tears the baby from his chest because he was breastfeeding him in a clothing store [Updated: or not]

If a few days ago we showed you a video that, with irony and humor, intended to show how absurd it is that there are people who are against breastfeeding in public, today we bring you precisely one of those absurd news, but also outrageous, happened in a Primark clothing store (again?).

We are used to urging women to stop breastfeeding, to do it elsewhere or invited to cover up, but what has happened this time goes further, because the store's security guard tore the baby from his mother's chest and took him to the exit door saying: "If you want me to return your baby, follow me".

How it all happened

His name is Caroline Starmer, he is 28 years old and was with his twin twins of 9 and a half months shopping at Primark, in Leicester, when one of them began to complain and cry. He saw that there was still a lot of queue and that the thing was going to go long and he decided to move away to an area where there were few people to breastfeed. Five minutes later he was approached by the protagonist of the story, the security guard, who told him that would have to leave the store to continue breastfeeding the baby.

She refused. Knowing their rights (a few days ago we also comment here), that the law allows women to breastfeed babies where they need itHe chose not to move and explain that his daughter was hungry and that the law defends that right. But he couldn't finish explaining why the guard approached her, took the girl and walked away telling him to follow if he wanted to get her back.

According to Caroline to the Mirror newspaper, it was a very painful moment because the girl wanted to hold on to her for the only connection she had left, her teeth to her chest:

The pain was unbearable, because she was taken from my chest against her will. He tried to hold on tightly clenching his two bottom teeth and hurt me a lot.

And what can happen to you when they suddenly do something you don't expect and leave you with the words in your mouth? It costs you to react:

I stayed stone. Not know what to do. That stranger had my daughter and was walking while she screamed and I sat, chest out and my other daughter sitting in her stroller.

Then he understood the seriousness of the scene and ran for his daughter:

When I regained my senses I ran after him and stopped in front of him. I took Paige's arms and he made fun of me and walked away.

The scene left him so confused that he immediately left the store on the way to the police, to file a complaint. She also called her husband who was at home with her other two children, who became extremely angry and spent the afternoon talking with store managers to look for responsibilities.

The girl, meanwhile, was marked by the event, because since then has not managed to sleep peacefully. Apparently, he keeps waking up crying, restless.

Since Primark they regret what happened, they assure that they will take the issue very seriously, investigating what happened, and confirm that Mothers are welcome and they can breastfeed their children there, if they need it (as we see in the next tweet).

That they explain it to the guardian

Now we just need the guardian to know those guidelines, because of all the decisions he could make, it seems the worst. Rip someone's baby from the chest? Are we crazy or what? He is crazy or what?

The man intended to end "the scene" of a mother breastfeeding her baby quietly, in a relatively remote place, and for that chose to generate a much worse scene, walking through the store with an alien baby crying and leaving behind a mother with the tit out in shock, who would then chase her running to the rescue of her daughter.

UPGRADE: After the publication of this post Primark made an official statement in which he explains that in the viewing of the store's closed circuit television the woman is seen breastfeeding her baby but nobody comes close. When talking to security personnel on duty, they explain that no one made such an intervention and therefore they have put the case at the disposal of the police to complete the investigation if they consider it appropriate. They also add the predisposition to help breastfeeding mothers who want to breastfeed in their stores looking for a comfortable and quiet place.

As soon as we know more about this topic we let you know, because the versions do not match at all and the conclusion is clear: one of the two parts lies.

Video: Tips on Combining Breastfeeding and Bottle Feeding. Ysis Lorenna (July 2024).