Beautiful black and white photographs that convey all the strength and feelings of a birth

Angela Gallo She is a doula and a photographer specialized in births and pregnancies. She began to carry out this type of report to positively change the norms and the ways in which our children are born. Thanks to his work, he knows that there are many women wishing for a better understanding of what Angela calls "birth culture."

Therefore, she, her husband and two children, will spend six months to visit different places to photograph different births, but share experiences and knowledge with other artists who are dedicated to the same as her and thus translate them into a book to not only try break with the current social and cultural norms of birth in modern society, but to educate, empower and above all excite the reader, three components that are very necessary today for both future mothers and families.

These are some of the beautiful black and white photographs that convey all the strength and feelings of a birth

Recently one of his photographs has received an honorable mention at an event held by the International Association of Professional Birth Photographers (IAPBP)

An incredible moment and an impressive image!

To edit his book he has launched a crowdfunding campaign via IndieGogo where people can collaborate in different ways.

Personally it seems like a great gift for any present or future mother.

It has always seemed to me that black and white is capable of transmitting feelings much better than color ...

Although certain types of moments are capable of transmitting sensations so strong that it does not matter if they are in black and white or in color.

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