White lies that we tell our children

"As you do not fall asleep, the man in the coat will come and take you with him" One of the lapidary phrases that most of us have heard our parents say, was certainly not the right one and I suppose that most parents did not even stop to think about its meaning and the possibility that they would achieve the opposite effect to expected. But there you were, full of fear trying to sleep. They were the bad calls white lies that we tell our children, or rather a bad example of it.

Wouldn't it have been easier to tell the truth? "If you do not sleep now, tomorrow you will be so tired at dinner time that you will not be able to enjoy the special hamburgers we are going to make." There are times that it is better to tell them the truth but on many other occasions the use of this type of resources will save us difficult explanations for the little ones or make them go through a reality for which they are not yet prepared or maybe we do not let's be still.

This is a small compilation of some of those pious lies, there are funny, curious, even some "little pious." I hope they can serve you as a pocket trick at some point and if not, I just hope they make you laugh with yours.

  • I once told my son, "when you lie you get a red dot in the middle of the forehead." Now I just have to see if he covers his forehead or not to know if he's lying to us. (Good trick)

  • A friend was told that the television in his house only worked when it rained and so he spent years watching TV, only when there was bad weather. (I have to try it)

  • I'm sorry honey but they don't sell batteries for that toy. (My mother, no white lie, that phrase should be forced to maintain the sanity of a father)

  • Bugs that eliminate colored sugar from the mouth only work once a week, if we eat sweets more than one day per week we will get cavities. (I recognize that I use it, the problem comes when you have to skip the norm. Anyway, life.)

  • My father always told us that the animals on the road were asleep taking advantage of the race being hot. (Good so much)

  • My mother told me that the stuffed animal she slept with was fed by bad dreams and the bad things that came out of them.

  • We told our daughter that the fish fillets were “Argentinian chicken” and it worked until her grandmother one day discovered the cake. (These grandmothers ...)

  • The grandfather told me that the culete was screwed to the navel so that if I unscrewed it, my ass would fall off. (We have created the LEGO child)

  • At Christmas I told my children that it was likely that Santa Claus and the Three Wise Men were fed up with milk and cookies, so it would be better to put chips and soda on them. (I would have asked for a cubata, but of course they have to drive)

  • Of course that green plate cream is crocodile. (We can make it more exotic, Martian soup)

  • Every time we leave our son at school we tell him that he has to behave well because we are seeing him and to prove it to him we tell him what he ate today in the school canteen. (Blessed onLine menus)

  • My mother told us that when there is an earthquake it is because our planet is struggling with another. (Then it happens that we hate the science teacher)

  • No honey, this is not a tail, it is just dirty water and surely you do not want to try. (I put it here, but believe me, it doesn't work. The very clever have a sixth sense for things that taste good)