Real breastfeeding: tired of breastfeeding art photos, she looked for mothers breastfeeding in their day to day

Is what we see in the photos the reality, or everything is made up to look like something that is not? This is what a woman felt when she saw breastfeeding photos on the internet, to women who did not seem to be living their own reality, but posing. He breastfeeding posture: make up, comb your hair, dress up pretty, breastfeed your baby and, in a way, pose to immortalize a fake instant.

Tired of these images, she posted a picture of her breastfeeding on social networks, at any time in her life, from her day to day, and asked other women to do the same. The result is a sample of real breastfeeding, the one that women live every day, at any moment.

His name is Suzie Blake and the idea is that of everyone when we criticize the excess of posturing, to show a reality that is not, to try to teach us an ideal motherhood and fatherhood, hardly attainable. And it is that after seeing the fathers and mothers of the typical photos, one feels a disaster in many aspects, struggling simply to reach the end of the day with the house minimally tidy, the children minimally "tidy" and waiting for the Next day is a little better than the previous day.

How is breastfeeding?

Suzie uploaded a picture of her breastfeeding (the one on the cover is her) and asked other mothers to do the same, to show the world how is breastfeeding really, and deep down, to show what motherhood really is like.

It is not necessary to teach anyone anything, teach that motherhood can be very hard, because mothers already know, but at least, that it is not little, that they see that the majority are the same, that the majority walk in the same way: with the hairs you do not know how, without makeup, with the tired eyes even if they are the first hours of the morning, a pile of dirty clothes for washing, the dishes in the sink creating a new ecosystem, toys in between, other children claiming your help and presence when you only try to feed the baby, etc.

What Does Breastfeeding Look Like?

Once the project started, Suzie opened a Facebook page to disseminate the project and a page on Tumblr, named "What Does Breastfeeding Look Like?", where you can see all the photos that the mothers have been hanging and those that will be hung from this moment, because the project is not closed.

And surely there will be many who will want to share their experiences, because you know, when you are not alone, when you see that other mothers go through the same, it seems that everything gets a little better, because at least you do not feel so bug Weird, not so messy.

Because in reality, if we could sneak into every house, we would see that in one way or another, all families are "a bit of a mess" in terms of motherhood and fatherhood. And what you see in the photos is nothing more than that, the conscious pose of a moment that is going to be immortalized. Don't we smile when they take a picture? Why? Were we already smiling? No. The moment the camera or mobile phone is lowered, we return to our usual countenance. Well this is the same.

And if beans are cooked everywhere, and if all mothers and fathers are a little disaster, we will have to agree that then that's normal. "Don't you have a little messy house?", "No, it's that I'm a mother", "Oh, of course, of course." "Do not you have a bad face?", "No, I am a mother", "Ah, how I have not realized before, sorry." And so with everything. The normal thing is this, what they wanted to show in the photos (and they could still have shown more, I think), and not those great, retouched women, with smooth, soft, shiny skin, silky hair in the wind and a smile perennial. Yes, they are beautiful photos, but that once in a while real people like to see other real people too.