The perfect breakfast for children to start their day well

There are many children who recognize that they don't have breakfast. According to data from Ministry of Health and Consumption of Spain, only 7.5% of the kids have a balanced breakfast. 20% of the children and youth population only drinks a glass of milk, while 56% accompanies milk only with a product that contains carbohydrates.

As we all know, the breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And it is that when the children do not eat breakfast well, they do not have the energy and vitality necessary to face the physical and intellectual effort required by school activities.

He perfect breakfast For our kids it should contain: fruit, dairy products Y cereals to contribute to the children's diet all the nutrients they need.

The healthier option it would be a glass of milk, a juice of natural fruits, preferably from unpackaged and always before dairy products, and bread or toast, although as it is not always possible they can be varied and offered cereals.

In supermarkets there is a wide variety of breakfast cereals for children, although it is always advisable to check that they are as healthy as possible even if we like their colors, images or collectible promotions. So you have to try not to get too much chocolate and / or sugar in your composition. In addition, those with low fiber should be checked because they are made with refined flours. Therefore, nutritionists recommend us to take them in moderation, although they will always be a better option than an industrial bakery. Because it provides low quality nutrients with an excess of fat, refined flours and lots of sugars and additives.

If there is no other remedy because it is the only thing they like, it is better to use healthier options such as wheat crackers of a lifetime. Celiacs and cow's milk protein allergies also have products that exclude gluten and dairy.

Still, let's try to have a natural orange juice, their glass of milk (if they don't like milk we can replace it with yogurt or lightly chocolate milk) and their bread with tomato and oil, jam, butter or margarine.

It's not about turning breakfast into a battle but in getting used to breakfast in a balanced way and varying breakfast so that it doesn't bore you. Also, once a week, we can give them some pastries, another day they can have protein breakfast like a tortilla or cooked ham, cereals, etc. The goal is not to leave home with just a glass of milk or water in your stomach, right?

In Peques and More | Breakfast is essential in children Image | Marcela Escandell

Video: Breakfast. Cincinnati Children's (July 2024).