A company manufactures childlike sex dolls to "prevent pedophiles from abusing real girls"

That awful! I do not give credit for such a thing, but it is true. Trottla is a Japanese company that manufactures childlike sex dolls created, according to its founder, Shin Takagi, "to prevent pedophiles from abusing real girls".

Its founder admits that he himself is sexually attracted to girls and ensures that his company is helping many people control their pedophile impulses. The dolls are anatomically perfect imitations of girls aged five years and older. I did not want to put more images because they seem disgusting, but on the company's website you can see them.

According to the businessman, they are only a tool for those who, like him, fight day to day against sexual attraction towards children. "I am helping people express their wishes, legally and ethically. It is not worth living if one has to live with repressed desire." He confesses that his clients include doctors, professors and celebrities from all over the world.

He also says that he receives many letters from clients who thank him because thanks to his dolls they can keep his wishes under control and avoid commenting on crimes.

Of course, the reactions have not been long in coming. There are many criticisms he has received from those who accuse the company of promoting pedophilia, of being a stimulus for abusers.

@DailyMirror WTF ?! This is basically saying its ok if its a doll, problem is, what happens when they want a real child? SMDH

- Omnipotent I Am (@DReal_Chico) January 14, 2016

What do the experts think?

Currently, there are treatments that are used to prevent pedophiles from reporting abuse, including cognitive behavioral therapy and chemical castration, but a meta-analysis conducted by Mayo Clinic states that "do not change the sexual orientation of the pedophile towards children".

Michael Seto, psychologist and sexologist at the University of Toronto has told The Atlantic that there are two types of pedophiles, and makes an analogy with methadone and drug addicts.

For some pedophiles, access to artificial pornography or child sex dolls can be safe to control their impulses, as it prevents them from going outside to look for pornography or sex with real children. For others, these substitutes may aggravate their feeling of frustration and want to find a real child.

On the other hand, a functional MRI study currently under review and funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research, Dr. Beier and his colleagues say they have found increased connectivity in brain regions related to impulse control in pedophiles who have not committed crimes compared to those who have done so. "The fact that a person has pedophile inclinations does not mean that it is a danger," he concludes.

Video: The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde (July 2024).