Maternity slow in "40 days in bed"

Surely, those who have television will have been able to see the announcement of "40 days in bed", a program in which a couple decides to experience and tell us about their experience of a different rhythm in existing as a way of approaching a slower, slower, reflective way of life, slow life. And, among many other issues, they address the movement of the slow motherhood.

The program, which can be followed live, has been sponsored by Flex, the brand of mattresses that gave us so much to speak with their announcement of a home birth. And, in my opinion, they have succeeded again with this campaign.

Camy and Iván, the protagonists, every day receive visits from different people who tell them about the experience of slow life, and, on the 16th day, they came to tell them about slow motherhood Liliana Rivera, teacher of Dynamic Yoga and mother and Virginia Ruipérez, Member of the European Society of Classical Naturist Medicine and trained by the Faculty of Medicine, and mother.

Both guests explain the reasons that led them to choose a home birth and the enormous advantages of natural childbirth, stating that, in hospitals, environments and routines are created that do not help at all to a respectful and conscious birth.

One of the most interesting parts is in which Virginia, citing Casilda Rodrígañez, explains how throughout the history of the patriarchate, births have been intervened to break that moment of bond and love that is the birth, to program submissive people or violent

They also tell us about the current fertility problems, which are multicausal, both because of environmental toxins and, above all, because of the stress we live in, which becomes an effective natural contraceptive when the hormonal system is unbalanced.

It is worth seeing the document of "40 days in bed", precious and soft, that conveys a fundamental idea: pregnancy and motherhood are vital processes in which to stand, enjoy, not live accelerated but delivered to experience. A precious claim of slow motherhood. I encourage you to see it and tell us what you think.

Official site | 40 days in bed In Babies and more | Maternity slow, Childhood slow, Sleep slow

Video: Pregnancy Music Mozart Classical Music for Babies Brain Development Unborn Baby Music (July 2024).