A clinic delivers the same 3D ultrasound to several pregnant women and the unnecessary ultrasound debate is reopened

It has happened in Canada, near Toronto, in a clinic specialized in doing 3D ultrasounds that many pregnant women want to keep as a souvenir, paying for them. Perhaps those responsible for the clinic thought they could save money, what is strange is that they did not think they were going to discover "their trick", but it has been. A clinic delivers the same 3D ultrasound to several pregnant women, which reopens the debate about unnecessary ultrasound.

And, although the ultrasound is an important prenatal test, which provides very valuable information about the development of the baby, the ultrasounds performed during pregnancy also have a high sentimental value, which leads many parents to do more ultrasound than strictly necessary.

Actually, in a normal pregnancy three ultrasounds are sufficient and the medical authorities do not understand this fashion of "portraying" the fetus more than necessary. But of course, there is no supply without demand and the clinics that offer pregnant women willing to pay for authentic reports of their babies proliferate.

And well, it would not be so bad (because after all the medical advice is ignored) if we were to have a true memory of that moment of pregnancy. The unheard of is that the clinic distributes the same image of the same fetus to different mothers: At least 20 identical ultrasounds have been found the last mothers who had this test in the Canadian clinic.

They paid more than $ 100 for each image and yet these were the same archive photography. It has been to share the images of "their babies" when several mothers saw that they were the same ultrasound they had. The clinic, meanwhile, ensures that it is a technical error and offers new (real!) Ultrasounds to affected pregnant women.

The United States already warns about the non-medical use of ultrasound, indicating that an uncontrolled exposure (longer than normal, not performed by specialists ...) could pose a risk to the baby and his mother. Also in Canada, medical authorities (Health Canada) advise against this type of 3D or 4D ultrasound to obtain portraits or videos (such as the Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Canada and the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario).

Professional sonographers who use ultrasound for medical purposes raise concerns about the growing and irregular practice of what they call "entertainment ultrasound".

And, after knowing the event of the identical ultrasound in Canada, it has been revealed the lack of control with which these clinics operate (when it comes to something new the laws often go behind). In any case, these places are outside the health system, because, as the country's health authorities point out, they are not for health.

Perhaps, this event has served to finally regulate the operation and control of these companies. Of course, families affected by this deception, who have invested money for nothing, will also be heard so that nothing similar happens again.

Anyway, in this case several themes are mixed, and together with the shamelessness of those responsible for a clinic who wanted to save a few ultrasounds for their clients (Hopefully it will be demonstrated if this happened or was indeed a mistake) We cannot stop reopening the debate about whether or not to get more ultrasound than necessary. You, did you have 3D or 4D ultrasound of your babies? Or do you just keep the "lifelong", small and black and white prescriptive ultrasounds?

Photos | iStock
Via | CBC News
In Babies and more | 5D or 4D HDlive ultrasound: super realistic images of your baby, how many ultrasounds are necessary in pregnancy?

Video: Cleveland Clinic Same-day Appointment (July 2024).