The nine things that have become infinitely better since I have children

It is no topic: the arrival of a child changes everything. It changes even our way of seeing the world, and thanks to them we begin to appreciate endless details that previously went unnoticed before our eyes.

Today I would like to share with you what are the things that before being a mother did not appreciate with the same intensity with which I do it now. And it is that children, through the innocence of their gaze, their illusion and their capacity for wonder, are able to change the perspective of a lot of things.

Travel, for the amount of details that you discover

Traveling by land, sea or air and knowing new places is always an adventure, but when done with children it is much more. Everything catches their attention, and thanks to them you discover a lot of particularities that you might have otherwise ignored.

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Further, the innate curiosity of children leads them to want to know more, and thanks to their innumerable questions you will be forced to investigate and learn all kinds of stories, names or details to give them an answer. No doubt your trip will be much more exploited!

Christmas, because they "infect you" with their illusion

Although I have always liked Christmas holidays, I must say that I have several friends and family for whom Christmas was a sad time for a while. The absences are especially noticeable on these dates, and not everyone likes the "Christmas spirit" that floods the streets.

However, these same people have confessed to me that after becoming parents their vision of Christmas has changed radically. And is that It is very difficult not to enjoy this time of year when you have small children, because they fill everything with their illusion, their faces of astonishment and their happiness.

The Magi and Santa Claus, because they make you believe in magic

What father or mother does not enjoy as ever, becoming an exception assistant to the Magi or Santa Claus? What adult does not live the night of Kings with a mixture of emotion and nervousness? Who does not look for a gift with his name at the foot of the Christmas tree, the morning of Kings?

In Babies and more Children who have discovered the truth about Christmas gifts, but follow the game

When there are children at home, it's wonderful to help keep the illusion alive for as long as possible. And the truth is that we parents do it so well, that it is not difficult to be hypnotized by those magical days.

Birthday parties, because with them they are much more fun

I recognize that before being a mother I was not very given to make ostentatious birthday celebrations, and preferred a family meal or a discreet dinner. But as a result of having children, my vision has changed, and I not only turn to the organization of their birthday parties, but also my own or that of other adult relatives.

I love take care of DIY decoration and prepare the party thinking exclusively of children. And there is nothing more exciting than seeing their faces of astonishment before a room decorated with balloons and streamers, or having their invaluable help when blowing the tens and dozens of candles on a cake.

Dressing up, because doing it together is an unforgettable time

Dressing up is tremendously fun, but most of us stop doing it when we become adults. Children, on the other hand, do it constantly. They love to play in disguise and do not miss the opportunity to dress in great detail before significant parties like Halloween or Carnival.

so when they invite you to a family costume party, and it's time to blow your imagination to find an original costume for adults and children, that's when you discover how really fun time can be. You will be the center of attention if you dress up on Halloween while carrying your baby, or if you decide to announce your pregnancy turned into a T-Rex.

In Babies and more, all to celebrate Halloween! Group costumes for the whole family

Enjoy the water, because the amount of fun activities that it entails is incredible

Until I had no children, I didn't know what it was like to really enjoy a foam bath. It's amazing how many things children think of doing with a bathtub full of foam, and how much fun it can be to share that little time with them!

And what about the pool or the beach? Make a fun dive contest (always with caution!), Play the "frog sitting under the water", make water gun warfare, take a run to see who enters the sea before ... Any kind of aquatic environment becomes irresistibly fun in the company of the little ones.

The snow, that white mantle that brings so much happiness

Oh, the snow! That latosa can result when you are not looking for it! You have to walk very carefully through the streets to avoid slipping, the roads collapse and you are late to work, it is cold ... But with children everything is different.

Come four flakes fall out the window and are already looking forward to going out to the street to make a doll, and the parks suddenly become an impromptu area to do ball battles. And if the snow curdles, the desire to wallow in the snow or slip with a homemade sled will be unstoppable.

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And of course, parents go behind. And we end up getting involved with them in a fun war without a barracks, or sliding through the snow with a plastic bag under our butts. And that's when we discover how incredibly fun snow can be, when it catches you unexpectedly but you enjoy it with children!

Dance, because it makes you release endorphins

In addition to being a very fun activity, dancing has multiple health benefits, as it helps to relieve stress, burn excess body fat and keep our skeleton, muscles and heart fit. But adults we dance little, and when we do it is usually in environments that invite it, such as a party or a celebration.

But nevertheless, Children do not need a dance floor to get carried away by the rhythm. Just listen to the tune of a television ad, the head of your favorite show or a song on the radio to forget the world and start moving to the beat of the music.

Accompanying our children at that time will not only be fun, but it is another way to strengthen the bond with them. And there is nothing better than getting carried away by the rhythm, disinhibiting and laughing out loud with our children, after a good high of endorphins

In short… being a child again

But if there is one thing that is infinitely better when you have children, it is precisely relive our own childhood.

With kids at home you will throw yourself down a slide, to batter in the sand of the park while you build a highway for toy cars, to fly kites and dance tops, to watch cartoon films over and over again, to comb and dress dolls ...

In Babies and more Famosa's Christmas announcement that encourages us to play more with our children. Surely there are many other things that are special for you since you have children at home! Do you dare to share them with us?

Video: 20 Genius Kids Who Beat The System (July 2024).