A mother denounces the hospital after another mother breastfeeds her baby

Although it seems that take you to the wrong baby It can't happen today, it still happens. It is not supposed to happen because now in hospitals babies are no longer in common rooms from which they are distributed to their parents, and because they also carry an identification bracelet, but it continues to happen because in case of separation, who brings you the baby He is a human person (and we humans are not infallible).

If a few years ago some parents realized that the baby they had in their arms was not theirs, because they had a penis and they had had a girl, in a hospital in Minneapolis, in the United States, something similar happened when they delivered a baby to the mother who was not.

The woman came to breastfeed

It happened in 2012, when Tammy Van Dyke he had two days with his baby in the Abbott Northwestern Hospital after giving birth At some point, mother and baby were separated, probably for routine control, and someone was confused deliver the newborn to another woman who had just had twins, even though the baby was well identified by his bracelet.

Upon receiving the baby, his "new mother" took care of him as if he were his son, and nursed him thinking that it was the first time that baby was breastfeeding. Little could he imagine that he had been caring for his real mother for two days and even less that he wasn't even his son.

Following the confusion, both the woman and the child had to undergo medical tests to confirm that they were both in good health and that they could not have infected each other with any serious illness (they were even tested for hepatitis and HIV) . Little Cody, in fact, had to have more tests every three months, until he was one year old.

Now the mother denounces the hospital

The news is now known because the mother filed a complaint a few days ago, as we read in The Mirror, asking for compensation from 50 thousand dollars for negligence, for the emotional damage she suffered when she saw that a complete stranger had breastfed her little one and for all the tests that had to be done (and the associated uncertainty), for a year, to confirm that she was still in good health .

And why don't they avoid separation?

To avoid similar new episodes, in the hospital they decided to change the identification bracelets for high-tech bands that link the baby with his mother, so that when the two come together, the bands confirm that this baby is from that mother.

It is really appreciated that they ensure in the best possible way and with the best technology to be clear that, when returning the baby to his mother, there is no mistake. But I can think of a much more economical, practical and effective method: do not separate the baby and the mother if there is no cause of force majeure. Come on, if you are at risk and more or less urgent attention should be given to one of the two.

And if the mother cannot for some reason (she is in bed and recovering from a C-section, for example), let her partner go. Let's not forget that being accompanied on tests and visits is a right of hospitalized children (and insurance for situations like these).

Video: An economist's analysis of data on parenting, from breastfeeding to co-sleeping (July 2024).