Do you know the hospital rooms where you will give birth?

Who else, who least, faces childbirth day with uncertainty, fear and nervousness. A help to reduce these feelings would be to know the place where we are going to give birth and this is well known by those who decide to do it at home. But also in the hospital we could be closer. Know how the dilation room, childbirth, hospital, before getting there in full birth. Because the unknown scares and the known gives confidence.

Therefore, if we eliminate an element of stress, we are favoring a better birth. And more and more hospitals join this initiative in order to humanize the birth a little more. And although doing a "route of childbirth" is not the only way to reduce stress and improve childbirth, it is one more step that should not be neglected.

We already told you that the delivery room was known at the Vinalopó hospital in Elche, and our readers told us that they had lived that same experience at the Infanta Sofía Hospital in San Sebastián de los Reyes, at the Maternal and Child Hospital of Las Palmas, in The Corachán clinic in Barcelona, ​​at the Donostia Hospital in San Sebastian ... and also in many kinds of childbirth preparation, the photos of the facilities where it will be given birth are shown. All coincided in the positive thing about knowing the hospital before delivery.

Now we have known that the Nisa Rey Don Jaime de Castellón hospital also performs these "childbirth routes", where they also show them how to enter, where to go, the postpartum room ... An initiative with which parents are delighted, about all first timers, it is when there are more doubts and fears.

What has to be done so that the experience does not frighten the parents more is that these hospital facilities be "friendly", transmit serenity and are, as far as possible, welcoming and prepared for the needs of the mother and the baby. Because if we leave the hospital with the feeling that we will be in a locked place, a cold place, this visit would not make sense.

We already know, it is what we would like: greater privacy, dimmable lights, soft colors, dilation bathtub, facilities that allow the mother to dilate and give birth in the position that suits her ... and all this also in public health, increasingly widespread.

If the facilities of the maternity plant are adequate, and not only thinking of the mother but also of the baby, (which is also stressed at birth), everything will be better. That the mother and the newborn should not be separated, that they be given skin to skin, that breastfeeding and the tranquility of the mother be facilitated ... are vital in those intense hours.

Something that would undoubtedly add peace of mind at the time of the birth of the baby would be to know that the same professionals who have treated us during pregnancy will be those who are there with us, although unfortunately this is not always possible and also has to add a more uncertainty . Even, there will be an opportunity for people who attend us during labor to change if it lengthens and coincides with changes in shifts.

And you, Have you had the opportunity to know the hospital facilities before delivery? Do not forget to ask your gynecologist or midwife about this possibility and you can also search the hospital website, which sometimes shows online facilities and, although it is not the same, much less, at least you will know in which environment you are going to move On that special day.

Photos | iStock
In Babies and more | Paritorios online, a portal on health of the Hospital del Vinalopó, Knowing the delivery room before giving birth, a good idea Ten things you should ask the hospital if you want to have a natural birth