When should we start reading to our children?

Reading to our children has many benefits, for them and for us. But at what age should we start reading to them? I tell you from what age it is recommended to read, its benefits and some tips to do so.

What is the recommended age to start reading to our children?

Some parents consider that starting this beautiful tradition should be done since the child is a little older and begins to pay more attention to what we say, but some professionals recommend doing it as soon as possible.

In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics has a website dedicated to promoting reading and in it recommend starting to read them since they are days or weeks old.

So if you are passionate about reading, you want to show your child this beautiful habit or you just want to have an activity that brings them together, you can start reading him almost from the moment he was born.


What are the benefits of reading since they are babies?

There are several benefits of encouraging early reading in your children, but in this article I want to talk only about reading from parents to babies.

When parents read to their children, connections are created in the baby's brain. The voice of mom and dad is something that they recognize from their early days and that also becomes their favorite sound, because gives them security.

Sharing an activity as quiet and private as read a book aloud, it helps that from this age a strong connection between parents and children is created. This kind of connection helps to recognize language and social relationships at an important stage of their development.

Further, reading can help calm your baby. Just as we sing babysitters or lull him, reading a bedtime story or a poem can be a great tool. At that time there are only two people (or three, if they decide to read it together) sharing an emotionally enriching experience.

How can we start reading to a baby?

To start reading to your baby you will only need a couple of things: a book suitable for your age and a room where you have privacy. It is recommended that the first books you give your child meet certain characteristics such as resistant, light and few leaves, besides being colorful. So when your baby grows and reaches the stage where he will be interested in taking those books that you have been reading into his hands, he can play with him without problems.

Although your child still does not understand what you say, over time they will respond to the emotion of your voice and the expression on your face when you read them. Hence the importance of reading babies and children correctly, using different tones of voice, pausing and gesturing following the reading.

Assign a few days a week or a specific time during the day to read. For example, reading before bedtime will help you establish some routines from a young age and you will feel safer and calmer knowing that bedtime is approaching.

Sometimes it could happen that your baby is not in the mood for reading time, so you should remember not to stress or take it as something negative. Take into account that this is not an obligation, but an activity that both should enjoy. If you are very restless you can pass the reading and try again another day.

Do you read to your baby? What tips have worked for you?

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Video: Why we should all be reading aloud to children. Rebecca Bellingham. TEDxYouth@BeaconStreet (July 2024).