Save the life of a baby who was born in a natural home birth that was complicated

Last Wednesday, a Summa unit had to go to a home in Madrid to attend a birth that was complicated and in which the newborn was in cardiorespiratory arrest and did not respond to stimuli.

The mother, who had opted for a natural birth at home, had the help of two midwives who had to immediately call emergency services to save the baby's life.

The girl came from buttocks

The pregnancy had come to an end and the mother wanted a natural birth in her family home, so she decided to have the help of two midwives who were accompanying her throughout the process.

But nevertheless, the delivery was complicated because the girl came from buttocks and they had to call Summa, who appeared in the house to finish the delivery and save the newborn who was in cardiorespiratory arrest and did not respond to stimuli.

The health professionals managed to remove the baby from the stop and transferred her, with a pulse, to the Gregorio Marañón Hospital in Madrid.

The baby came from buttocks and did not respond to stimuli. # SUMMA112 resuscitates and transfers H. Gregorio Marañón in good condition, as does the mother

- 112 Comunidad Madrid (@ 112cmadrid) June 28, 2017

# SUMMA112 explains what has been his intervention in childbirth at a home in Madrid.

- 112 Comunidad Madrid (@ 112cmadrid) June 28, 2017

The social networks immediately praised the actions of the Summa toilets but once again planted the debate about whether it is appropriate, or not, to give birth at home considering the complications that may arise for both the baby and the mother .

However, the midwives insist that giving birth at home is safe and the research carried out around this topic speaks of a lower trauma for the mother and the baby, a lower incidence of postpartum depression and a better establishment of breastfeeding.

  • Photos | iStock

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Video: Episiotomy (May 2024).