Placed figures of mothers breastfeeding in Canada to normalize breastfeeding

Although it is more than proven that breastfeeding is the best food for the baby during the first months, it is still seen as rare to do so in public.

Fortunately, more and more organizations are launching campaigns to help normalize it, the most recent being in Canada, where have placed real-size cardboard figures of mothers breastfeeding their children.

The Porcupine Health Unit in Ontario created the campaign called "Breastfeeding in public"(Breastfeeding in public) for the purpose of make breastfeeding in public places not seen as inappropriate or annoying.

Spotted our Breastfeeding Moms yet? PHU launches #BreastfeedingInPublic at #Timmins #UrbanPark. //

- Porcupine HealthUnit (@PorcupineHU) July 13, 2017

For it they took pictures of four mothers in the community breastfeeding their children and printed them on cardboard figures, which will be placed in important or busy places of the city, such as restaurants, government offices and local businesses.

The message they want to send is that All mothers should feel comfortable and supported when breastfeeding their children in public places.

This campaign reminds me of the initiative of breastfeeding dummies that were placed in shopping centers in Colombia, with the same purpose of invite mothers to breastfeed their children without problems and for people to start seeing it as what it is, something completely natural.