A great dad: he puts on a tutu to accompany his daughter in her ballet show

Something that no doubt many fathers and mothers lose when we have children is the fear of ridicule. When it comes to accompanying them or making them happy, whatever others may think of our follies, we care little or nothing.

That's why we loved what he has done a father, when dressing a tutu, to accompany his daughter in her ballet demonstration.

Thanh Tran is a dad from Knoxville, Tennesse who has certainly made us laugh with joy at seeing the funny images he shared on his Instagram account. In them we can see them he and Adriana, their 8-year-old daughter, dressed as ballet dancers from head to toe, during a school demonstration.

Dad life 101, you participate in every parent night no matter what it is. Even if it calls for tutu for ballet night. But the look back smile from her made it all worth it. Not gonna lie, my calves and toes were cramping up. #dadlife #parentnight #butdidyoudie

Father's life, you participate in all the parents' nights, no matter what it is. Even if that requires you to wear a tutu for the ballet recital. But the smile on his face as he turned to see me was worth everything. I will not lie, my calves and fingers were cracking.

Adriana She is actually Thanh's stepdaughter, but has always seen her as her daughter. His wife Rebecca is currently seven months pregnant, so on this occasion he decided not to participate in the recital and just be a spectator. In an interview for People she comments that: "He offered to take my place. The majority of those who participated were moms"Rebecca also shared on her Instagram account some videos of the demonstration that her husband and daughter made.

I laughed so hard I cried

"I loved! I think it's very sweet and funny. He has been in her life since she was four years old and has never been a stepdaughter to him. Seeing them together was what made me realize that he was the man I should marry"says Rebecca."A moment of father and daughter has never been lost in these four years. Every field trip, every school activity, every rehearsal, he has been there. Adriana can count on him".

And what does he say about the class? "It was quite difficult. But we had fun and laughed a lot at my expense". Definitely He is a great dad and stepfather, who has made us smile with his funny demonstration as a dancer.

Video: Supportive Dad Dancing (July 2024).