The right to play in children

In addition to the National Nutrition Day, today a very important date for children is also celebrated: World Game Day, in which nothing more is relieved and nothing less than the right to play in children.

It seems essential that a child has the right to play, but sometimes the game is seen as a mere fun for children and not as what it is, a way of learning.

Playing is a form of pleasure and joy, essential aspects for the development of children, but is also learning. The game contributes to the balanced growth of the body, intelligence and sociability. It is the "child's work."

At present, there are many children overloaded with activities that barely have time for the game, so it is necessary to promote both from home and from schools that expand the spaces, times and resources dedicated to the game.

He International Game Day It has a manifesto in which the states parties recognize the child's right to rest and recreation, to play and to recreational activities of his age and to freely participate in cultural life and the arts.

Today is a very important day that reminds us that playing is a right for children and a necessity for a lifetime.

Video: Children's Right To PLAY (July 2024).