Donate 236 liters of breast milk and write a nice letter for the baby who receives it

He doesn't even know the baby who will receive his milk, but the 700 hours it took for Abby Frame to remove the 236 liters of breast milk to donate They have certainly been worth it.

Babies who remain in the ICU, mostly premature, fight daily for their lives, and when the mother cannot breastfeed for whatever reason, they receive milk from donor mothers. This brings great benefits to the little ones, both nutritional and immunological.

Abby is breastfeeding her baby and believes that can help other babies by donating milk It is extracted every day. She says she feels inspired by the mothers who have their babies in the ICU, those who lost their babies and the adoptive moms who want to give breast milk to their babies.

In Babies and more A mother breaks the world record by donating 1,583 liters of breast milk (700 days of pumping milk)

He has taken hours of play with his children, has occupied many hours and has even woken up at night to express milk to donate. Then he packed it and prepared it to donate along with a beautiful letter he wrote for the baby or the babies who receive it, as well as for his mother.

Dear baby in the NICU,

I do not know your story. I do not know who you are. And maybe I never know. But maybe, just maybe, you will do great things in your life. All you need is an opportunity to fight, true? Then fight, little one. Give everything you have. Whatever you are going through, fight.

And to your mom. I can't imagine what will be happening either. But your baby is going through a difficult time and they both need some help. And if my milk can help in any way, it is my greatest pleasure. The 700 hours I've spent extracting, cleaning and packing this for you is worth it. Then take it. Fight. And it grows to be amazing! I believe in you.


Breast milk is always much more beneficial than formula milk because it acts to protect babies born before term against serious infections and diseases such as necrotizing enterocolitis, which affects 10 percent of premature babies and a third of those babies who suffer from it do not survive.

What to do if you want to be a breast milk donor

If you are interested, here we explain everything you need to know if you want to be a donor of breast milk. Then you can contact your nearest bank (there are 13 in Spain) to be informed about the storage and collection process.

Any healthy mother who is breastfeeding her baby and wants to help can do it. Is a gesture of precious solidarity with enormous value for babies who will benefit from their milk.

Giving visibility we will get more people to know the very important role that donor mothers and milk banks play. Without a doubt, a gift for a lifetime.

In Babies and more, why does a mother share this picture of her baby surrounded by milk bags?

Video: 229th Knowledge Seekers Workshop June 21, 2018 (July 2024).