A six-year-old boy shaves his head to help raise money to cure his friend with cancer

They are called Oisín and Lulu, both are six years old. They met on the first day of school at Great Denham School in Bedfordshire, just a few months before she was diagnosed with a rare and aggressive form of cancer.

In January 2018, just a few months after starting school, he was diagnosed with a high risk neuroblastoma It had spread to the bones, bone marrow and lymphatic system.

Two years have passed and after surgery, several rounds of chemotherapy, stem cell transplantation and isolation, the cancer does not remit. As a last hope, Lulu's family clings to the idea of ​​taking her to the United States for experimental treatment.

For this they need to raise money before July to pay for the treatment that costs around 190 thousand euros, of which they have gathered 50 thousand.

When Oisin found out, he asked what he could do to help and offered to shave his hair to raise money. To promote the initiative they decided to publish on the internet a video in which Lulu shaves his friend's head. The gesture is so tender that it touched thousands of people, managing to increase revenue. When he was shown his new look in the mirror, Oisín said: "I look like you now."

"The amount is discouraging, but we can't put a price on our girl's life," said her mother.

"There is a 50 percent chance that Lulu will relapse after the end of his treatment. And of those who relapse, 90 percent of the children die. With the treatment, Lulu has a 90 percent survival. So no there's nothing really obvious. She has been so brave, she is our little hero. "

"But we will do anything to save our daughter's life and avoid a relapse."

The fundraising campaign that the family has launched is available at Just Giving. I hope they get it.

Video: Olivia six year old shaves head to raise money for charity (July 2024).