The risks of watching too much television

Many years ago since children live naturally with the TV screen and we know that they learn and adopt habits from it. When we talk about television, there are two problems that we have to consider: the time our children spend in front of it and the type of programs they watch.

In relation to the first aspect, it is advisable to set a maximum time in advance. In this way, our children will gradually learn to select what they like best, without getting into the habit of sitting in front of the TV and swallowing everything they throw at it, whatever it is.

The issue of programming is a bit more complex and difficult to solve; It is important that we use common sense in this regard. It is true that there are many television contents that can be harmful for children, although it is also true that there are programs for children who are very creative and arouse their curiosity about things. Personally, I choose to protect my daughters from violent scenes and accompany them so that certain criteria can be formed when choosing what to watch on TV. In addition, the negative influence of television in dialogue and exchange of opinions on what they see will be less

However, there are children who spend a lot of time in front of the TV, even longer than they spend in any activity other than sleeping. This excess of TV is harmful in many aspects. Here we tell you some of the consequences of abuse of watching too much television. * Eye disorders: the place where television is seen should be illuminated and the screen should never be less than 3 meters; getting closer causes visual fatigue and eye disorders, it can also cause headaches.

  • Sleep disorders: watching violent, exciting or too loud programs at bedtime can cause insomnia and nightmares in children.

  • Harmful consumption habits: poorly targeted advertising encourages children to ask for everything they see.

  • Little social behavior: television addiction takes time for the child to play with other children, to interact with other people; spending hours in front of the screen only limits listening, to receive without participating.

  • Others: teleaddiction challenges the intellect, produces obesity, signs of depression, immaturity, frustration, laziness and fatigue.

In short, television can be a great entertainment for our children and can teach them some things, but ... not to abuse! that when television stands as queen of the living room.

Video: How Too Many Screens Affect Our Brain (July 2024).